Перша знахідка виду Oecobius rhodiensis Kritscher, 1966 (Aranei: Oecobiidae) в Одеській області

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Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
Вперше в Одеській області та вдруге в Україні відмічений павук Оecobius rhodiensis Kritscher, 1966 з родини Oecobiidae. Павук реєструється на стінах будівель, в під’їздах житлових будинків та на підвіконнях у квартирах. Найбільшу кількість особин павуків було відмічено на стінах будівель. Статевозрілі особини павуків відмічались протягом червня–липня.
The Oecobiidae family includes 120 species and 6 genera of spiders. The genus Oecobius Lucas, 1846 contains 90 species of spiders. 7 of them are registered in Europe. 4 species of this genus are registered in Ukraine, and the distribution of all species is limited. Today, it is known that the range of the spider Oecobius rhodiensis Kritscher, 1966 has a fragmentary nature. Findings of the Oe. rhodiensis spider from the Oecobiidae family are known from Greece, island Crete, Turkey and Ukraine (Donetsk region). The article provides information about registration, distribution and phenological features of the Oe. rhodiensis spider, from the Oecobiidae family in Odesa region (Ukraine). Aim. New information of the distribution and biology of the spider Оecobius rhodiensis Kritscher, 1966 was provided. Methods. Standart spider collection methods were used, namely manual collection. The material was collected in 2016–2022. The collected material was placed in a container with 70% alcohol and a label was added. The taxonomic affiliation of spiders was determined by the keys given in the electronic identifier of spiders of Europe. Results. The spider Оecobius rhodiensis Kritscher, 1966 from the family Oecobiidae was recorded for the first time in Odesa region and for the second time in Ukraine. These spiders were registered on the wall of buildings, in the entrances and on the windowsills of apartments. Spider Oe. rhodiensis builds small flat webs on the walls of buildings. Under these webs the spider hides and hunts prey. These spiders were observed only in buildings in April and November. Starting from May to October, the largest number of individuals was observed on the walls of buildings. The largest number of spiders was observed on the walls of buildings. Adult spiders were observed in June-July.
Ключові слова
павуки, Оecobius rhodiensis, Одеська область, Україна, spiders, Оecobius rhodiensis, Odesa region, Ukraine
Бібліографічний опис
Делі О. Ф. / О. Ф. Делі, В. А. Трач, С. Я. Підгорна, К. Й. Черничко // Вісник Одеського національного університету. Біологія. – 2023. – Т. 28, вип. 2(53). – С. 89–96.