Загальна проблематика щодо визначення системи принципів адміністративного права та змісту принципу сталості і довгострокової орієнтованості
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В статті досліджено загальну проблематику щодо визначення системи принципів адміністративного права та змісту принципу сталості і довгострокової орієнтованості. Доведено, що існуюча система принципів адміністративного права (верховенство права та принципи належного врядування) не відповідає потребам адміністративного права як галузі права України. Вона втратила зв’язок з минулим національним досвідом, а запозичені наукові уявлення про принципи адміністративного права відірвані від потреб українського суспільства. На прикладі принципу сталості і довгострокової орієнтованості в діяльності суб’єктів публічного адміністрування були показані недоліки сучасної системи принципів адміністративного права та принципів належного врядування. Зроблено висновок, що зміст принципу сталості і довгострокової орієнтованості потребує переосмислення не з позицій діяльності адміністративних органів Європейського Союзу, як це робиться сьогодні в спеціальній літературі, а з позицій діяльності суб’єктів публічного адміністрування України.
The article examines the general issues of defining the system of principles of administrative law and the content of the principle of sustainability and long-term orientation. It was found that one of the little-studied principles of good governance is the principle of sustainability and long-term orientation, since the description of its content and features of its implementation in practice in scientific and educational literature is limited to a few sentences. This fact, in the opinion of the author of the article, indicates, firstly, significant gaps in the theory of administrative law, which is devoted to the principles of administrative law, secondly, the artificiality of the system of principles of administrative law, which was formed in the educational and methodological literature, thirdly, the competition of two scientific worldviews - educational and educational, which should be based, but is not based on the achievements of administrative science, and scientific, which should be the foundation, but is not the foundation (at least today) for the development of textbooks and manuals on administrative law. There is a crisis in the science of administrative law, as science is forced to submit to and adapt to the policy pursued by entities that finance the publication of educational and methodological literature in Ukraine. It is proven that the existing system of principles of administrative law (the rule of law and the principles of good governance) does not meet the needs of administrative law as a branch of law in Ukraine. It has lost touch with past national experience, and borrowed scientific ideas about the principles of administrative law are disconnected from the needs of Ukrainian society. The example of the principle of sustainability and long-term orientation in the activities of public administration entities shows the shortcomings of the modern system of principles of administrative law and principles of good governance. It is concluded that the content of the principle of sustainability and long-term orientation requires rethinking not from the standpoint of the activities of administrative bodies of the European Union, as is done today in special literature, but from the standpoint of the activities of public administration entities in Ukraine.
The article examines the general issues of defining the system of principles of administrative law and the content of the principle of sustainability and long-term orientation. It was found that one of the little-studied principles of good governance is the principle of sustainability and long-term orientation, since the description of its content and features of its implementation in practice in scientific and educational literature is limited to a few sentences. This fact, in the opinion of the author of the article, indicates, firstly, significant gaps in the theory of administrative law, which is devoted to the principles of administrative law, secondly, the artificiality of the system of principles of administrative law, which was formed in the educational and methodological literature, thirdly, the competition of two scientific worldviews - educational and educational, which should be based, but is not based on the achievements of administrative science, and scientific, which should be the foundation, but is not the foundation (at least today) for the development of textbooks and manuals on administrative law. There is a crisis in the science of administrative law, as science is forced to submit to and adapt to the policy pursued by entities that finance the publication of educational and methodological literature in Ukraine. It is proven that the existing system of principles of administrative law (the rule of law and the principles of good governance) does not meet the needs of administrative law as a branch of law in Ukraine. It has lost touch with past national experience, and borrowed scientific ideas about the principles of administrative law are disconnected from the needs of Ukrainian society. The example of the principle of sustainability and long-term orientation in the activities of public administration entities shows the shortcomings of the modern system of principles of administrative law and principles of good governance. It is concluded that the content of the principle of sustainability and long-term orientation requires rethinking not from the standpoint of the activities of administrative bodies of the European Union, as is done today in special literature, but from the standpoint of the activities of public administration entities in Ukraine.
Ключові слова
принципи адміністративного права, принципи належного врядування, принципи державного управління, принципи функціонування суб’єктів публічного адміністрування, principles of administrative law, principles of good governance, principles of public administration, principles of functioning of public administration entities
Бібліографічний опис
Миколенко О. І. Загальна проблематика щодо визначення системи принципів адміністративного права та змісту принципу сталості і довгострокової орієнтованості / О. І. Миколенко // Правова держава. – 2024. – № 56 : До 25-річчя журналу. – С. 61–68.