Природно-заповідний фонд Одеської області в системі фізико-географічного районування України і шляхи його оптимізації

dc.contributor.authorПопова, Олена Миколаївна
dc.contributor.authorПопова, Елена Николаевна
dc.contributor.authorPopova, Olena M.
dc.description.abstractРозглянуто особливості природно-заповідного фонду Одеської області. Для 19 фізико-географічних районів та 6 фізико-географічних областей в межах Одещини встановлені кількість та площі об’єктів ПЗФ, їх щільність, частка заповідності, індекс інсуляризованості, природоохоронний індекс. Запропоновані об’єкти для розширення та підвищення репрезентативності ПЗФ області.uk
dc.description.abstractРассмотрены особенности природно-заповедного фонда Одесской области. Для 19 физико-географических районов и 6 физико-географических областей в пределах Одесщины установлены количество и площади объектов ПЗФ, их плотность, доля заповедности, индекс инсуляризованости, природоохранный индекс. Предложены объекты для расширения и повышения репрезентативности ПЗФ области.uk
dc.description.abstractProblem Statement and Purpose. Previously, the analysis of the natural reserve fund of the entire Odessa region in terms of physico-geographical zoning has not been carried out. The purpose of this work was to establish modern features and ways to further optimize the nature reserve fund of the Odessa region as a whole and in the context of individual physical-geographical chorions. The following tasks were set: to characterize the general features of the NFP region as of January 1, 2017; to consider a spectrum of natural-protected objects of the Odessa region on areas; on the basis of quantitative and qualitative and quantitative indicators, to assess the representativeness of the NFP in the physical-geographical areas of the region; to provide proposals on the expansion of the Odessa Oblast and increase its representativeness. Materials and method. The materials of the nature reserve fund objects and territories cadastre are given by the Department of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Odessa Regional Administration on 01.01.2017 and are used for analysis. The distribution of objects was considered in the system of physico-geographical zoning of Ukraine, which is given in the National Atlas of Ukraine (2008). The areas of physico-geographical areas are counted on the satellite maps of Google Earth Pro. The density of the NFP facilities is determined at an area of 100 km2. The proportion of nature reserves, the proportion of strict nature reserves, index of insularity, and environmental protection index are calculated according to the formulas adopted in geography [8, 11-13, 15, 16, etc.]. Results. The number and areas of the objects and territories of the natural reserve fund of the Odessa region are insufficient to fulfill the necessary functions. The objects of the NFP are distributed in the territory of physical-geographical choriones unevenly. Ecologically sustainable objects of PZF (with an area of more than 50 hectares) in an amount of 1-5 are presented in 14 physical and geographical areas of the Odessa Region (from 19). They are absent in the Arziz-Sarata and the Cahul-Katlabuh areas. Serednyokuchurgan area has not minimally environmentally sustainable objects of the PZF too. All physico-geographical districts have 6-14 objects of PZF with an area of more than 50 hectares. South-Podolsky Upland, South Moldovskaya slopeelevated, Dniester-Bug lowland districts are not provided with the top-level PZF objects (biosphere reserve, nature reserve, national nature park) at all. The South Podolskaya slope-elevated district is represented only by a part of the Lower Dniester NPP, where zonal ecosystems of the steppe are not represented. Now the proportion of the perspective reserve (10.4%) within the Odessa region has been exceeded only in two physico-geographical districts: in Reni-Kilia (37.14%) and Kundutsky-Burnassky (17.2%), which provides a high indicator for the Trans-Dniester-Black Sea lowland region (14.43%), the Black Sea Middle-Steppe region and the Middle-Steppe subzone (11.9%). All other physical and geographical chorions require an intensive increase in the protected areas. It is proposed to expand the natural reserve fund of the Odessa region through the inclusion of new Ramsar sites and objects of the Emerald Network of Europe. It will increase the area of the PZF by at least 133 thousand hectares, which will increase the proportion of the Odessa region’s reserve by 3.8%. Due to the perspective for reserved areas, the area’s reserves can be increased by 1.2%, which will allow reaching a prospective regulated indicator (10.4%) and provide the objects of the PZF with all physical and geographical districts of the region.uk
dc.identifier.citationВісник Одеського національного університету = Odesa National University Heralduk
dc.identifier.uriУДК 502.7 (477.74)
dc.publisherОдеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечниковаuk
dc.relation.ispartofseriesГеографічні та геологічні науки;Т. 22, вип. 2(31).
dc.subjectчастка заповідностіuk
dc.subjectіндекс інсуляризованостіuk
dc.subjectприродоохоронний індексuk
dc.subjectPамсарські угіддяuk
dc.subjectоб'єкти Смарагдової мережі Європиuk
dc.subjectОдеська областьuk
dc.subjectприродно-заповедный фондuk
dc.subjectдоля заповедностиuk
dc.subjectиндекс инсуляризованостиuk
dc.subjectприродоохранный индексuk
dc.subjectРамсарские угодьяuk
dc.subjectобъекты Изумрудной сети Европыuk
dc.subjectОдесская областьuk
dc.subjectnature reserve funduk
dc.subjectshare of the reserveuk
dc.subjectinsularization indexuk
dc.subjectnature protection indexuk
dc.subjectRamsar sitesuk
dc.subjectobjects of the Emerald Network of Europeuk
dc.subjectOdessa regionuk
dc.titleПриродно-заповідний фонд Одеської області в системі фізико-географічного районування України і шляхи його оптимізаціїuk
dc.title.alternativeПриродно-заповедный фонд Одесского региона в системе физико-географического районирования Украины и пути его оптимизацииuk
dc.title.alternativeThe nature reserve fund of the Оdessa region in the physical-geographical zoning of Ukraine and way of its optimizationuk
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