Комунікативна тактика інтимізації в есеїстиці О. Забужко, М. Матіос, С. Пиркало
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У статті дослідницький пошук спрямовано на вивчення інтимізації як тактики
комунікативної стратегії автора есеїстичного твору зробити читача учасником
монодіалогу. Проаналізовано різні варіанти втілення такої тактики в творах
О. Забужко, М. Матіос, С. Пиркало, вміщених у збірці «100 тисяч слів про любов,
включаючи відгуки». Доведено, що тактика інтимізації вирішує питання інтерсуб
єктивного плану в жанрі есе.
В статье исследовательские усилия направлены на интимизацию как тактику коммуникативной стратегии автора эссеистического произведения сделать читателя участником монодиалога. Проанализированы разные варианты воплощения этой тактики в произведениях О. Забужко, М. Матиос, С. Пыркало,вошедших в сборник «100 тысяч слов о любви, включая отзывы». Доказано, что тактика интимизации решает вопросы интерсубъективного плана в жанре эссе.
Scientific research in this article is aimed at studying intimisation as tactics of communicative strategy used by an author of an essayistic work of literature, whose goal is to make the reader a participant in the mono-dialogue. It is highlighted that in philosophy intimisation is characterized as a process of information perception, which represents the recipient and source of information through various types of consciousness as absolutely different ones based on the content of thoughts and feelings. In the article there is also an appeal to L. Bulahovskiy, who thinks that intimisation is a special set of methods: firstly, they aim is to get the author closer to what was represented in the text; secondly, they prompt the reader to experience together with the author elements of his works of literature, get closer to his feelings and moods. The article directly analyses intimisation tactics in the essays by O. Zabuzhko «What makes you smile when you are tired», M. Matios «Still not the opposite way», S. Pyrkalo «Love?». There is a detailed tactics of creating a confidential discussion with the reader, tactics of reader’s presence / attraction, tactics of frankness / sincerity in the communication with the reader. The analysis was accompanied by compositional features in the texts, author’s position, elements of dialogisation, tropes and figures. Conclusion is the following: intimisation as the tactics of mono-dialogue communicative strategy in the essay has a very branched structure and consists of different points, therefore, in all the analysed works it is used differently: in O. Zabuzhko’s work there is a strong accent on the inner self — «I», in M. Matios’s essay there is an accent on the dialogue, S. Pyrkalo’s work has an unobtrusive sense of imposition. However, in all the essays intimisation is based on the same thing: to engage the reader into the process of author’s thoughts as much as possible. Analysed works of literature gave reasons to state that intimisation as communicative tactics is aimed at solving a number of questions, mainly intersubjective ones, highlighting the conditions for the actual comprehension of philosophical questions. Intimisation creates an intuitive dialogue between the author and the reader and expresses the author’s attitude to what was represented, thus, marking the psychological aura of the writer, opening his deep inner world, engaging the reader and creating a special sense of anxiety around the text, from which the reader in no longer able to escape — this is the main communicative strategy of an essay, which makes it so popular in the beginning of the XXI century.
В статье исследовательские усилия направлены на интимизацию как тактику коммуникативной стратегии автора эссеистического произведения сделать читателя участником монодиалога. Проанализированы разные варианты воплощения этой тактики в произведениях О. Забужко, М. Матиос, С. Пыркало,вошедших в сборник «100 тысяч слов о любви, включая отзывы». Доказано, что тактика интимизации решает вопросы интерсубъективного плана в жанре эссе.
Scientific research in this article is aimed at studying intimisation as tactics of communicative strategy used by an author of an essayistic work of literature, whose goal is to make the reader a participant in the mono-dialogue. It is highlighted that in philosophy intimisation is characterized as a process of information perception, which represents the recipient and source of information through various types of consciousness as absolutely different ones based on the content of thoughts and feelings. In the article there is also an appeal to L. Bulahovskiy, who thinks that intimisation is a special set of methods: firstly, they aim is to get the author closer to what was represented in the text; secondly, they prompt the reader to experience together with the author elements of his works of literature, get closer to his feelings and moods. The article directly analyses intimisation tactics in the essays by O. Zabuzhko «What makes you smile when you are tired», M. Matios «Still not the opposite way», S. Pyrkalo «Love?». There is a detailed tactics of creating a confidential discussion with the reader, tactics of reader’s presence / attraction, tactics of frankness / sincerity in the communication with the reader. The analysis was accompanied by compositional features in the texts, author’s position, elements of dialogisation, tropes and figures. Conclusion is the following: intimisation as the tactics of mono-dialogue communicative strategy in the essay has a very branched structure and consists of different points, therefore, in all the analysed works it is used differently: in O. Zabuzhko’s work there is a strong accent on the inner self — «I», in M. Matios’s essay there is an accent on the dialogue, S. Pyrkalo’s work has an unobtrusive sense of imposition. However, in all the essays intimisation is based on the same thing: to engage the reader into the process of author’s thoughts as much as possible. Analysed works of literature gave reasons to state that intimisation as communicative tactics is aimed at solving a number of questions, mainly intersubjective ones, highlighting the conditions for the actual comprehension of philosophical questions. Intimisation creates an intuitive dialogue between the author and the reader and expresses the author’s attitude to what was represented, thus, marking the psychological aura of the writer, opening his deep inner world, engaging the reader and creating a special sense of anxiety around the text, from which the reader in no longer able to escape — this is the main communicative strategy of an essay, which makes it so popular in the beginning of the XXI century.
Ключові слова
інтимізація, комунікативна стратегія, есе, діалог, монодіалог, письменник, интимизация, коммуникативная стратегия, эссе, диалог, монодиалог, писатель, intimisation, communicative strategy, essay, dialogue, mono-dialogue, writer
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