Анатомо-морфологічні особливості деяких сукулентних рослин у зв'язкку з умовами зростання
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Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
Вивчено анатомо - морфологічні характеристики листків та стебел рослин сукулентного типу: SempervivumtectorumL., CrassulaperforataThunbg. і C. socialisSchonland (Crassulaceae), Salicorniaeuropaea(Chenopodiaceae), SeneciorowleyanusJacods і S. herreianusMoritzKurtDin. (Asteraceae)). Представлено основні кількісні параметри анатомічних показників...
Anatomical-morphological characteristics of leaves and stems of plants of succulent type: Sempervivum tectorum L., Crassula perforata Thunbg. and C. socialis Schonland (Crassulaceae), Salicornia europaea (Chenopodiaceae), Senecio rowleyanus Jacods and S. herreianus Moritz Kurt Din. (Asteraceae)) from extreme habitats were studied. Basic quantitative parameters of anatomical indices were presented. The comparative analysis of the structure of vegetative organs of succulents was carried out. A number of common features, which result from adaptation to such conditions of growth (characteristic peculiarities of the external structure, weak differentiation of mesophyll, considerable development of the water-bearing tissue CAM – type of photosynthesis) and features, which distinguish the studied species (the type of leaf mesophyll, presence of trichomes, type of the stomata apparatus, the degree of the conductive system development) were registered.
Anatomical-morphological characteristics of leaves and stems of plants of succulent type: Sempervivum tectorum L., Crassula perforata Thunbg. and C. socialis Schonland (Crassulaceae), Salicornia europaea (Chenopodiaceae), Senecio rowleyanus Jacods and S. herreianus Moritz Kurt Din. (Asteraceae)) from extreme habitats were studied. Basic quantitative parameters of anatomical indices were presented. The comparative analysis of the structure of vegetative organs of succulents was carried out. A number of common features, which result from adaptation to such conditions of growth (characteristic peculiarities of the external structure, weak differentiation of mesophyll, considerable development of the water-bearing tissue CAM – type of photosynthesis) and features, which distinguish the studied species (the type of leaf mesophyll, presence of trichomes, type of the stomata apparatus, the degree of the conductive system development) were registered.
Ключові слова
091 біологія, анатомія, аридні території, сукуленти, стебло, листок, anatomy, stem, leaf, plants of succulent type, arid habitats
Бібліографічний опис
Петельська, О. Ю. Анатомо-морфологічні особливості деяких сукулентних рослин у зв'язкку з умовами зростання = Anatomical and morphological features of sicculent plants regards growth conditions : Дипломна робота магістра / О. Ю. Петельська; наук. кер. Н. А. Кириленко; ОНУ ім. І.І. Мечникова, Біол. ф-т, Каф. ботаніки. – Одеса, 2018. – 51 с.