Характеристика лактобактерій, ізольованих з ферментованих продуктів В'єтнаму
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Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
Вибiр бактерiй роду Lactobacillus у якості стартерних культур для виробництва ферментованих продуктiв харчування обумовлений здатністю лактобактерій перешкоджати розмноженню патогенних і умовно патогенних мiкроорганiзмiв, підвищувати імунорезистентність макроорганізму та приналежністю їх до категорії безпечних мікроорганізмів (GRAS) [15, 37]. На сучасному світовому ринку з′являються нові закваски на основі лактобактерій для ферментування продуктів тваринного та рослинного походження/
A study biological properties of the bacillus strains isolated from pickled tradional Vietnamese products was undertaken. 91 lactic acid strains lactic acid bacteria were found belonging to the genus Lactobacillus based on the study of complex morphological, cultural, biochemical and physiological properties. All studied lactobacilli strains have grown at 15° С, 25 % - at 4°С and 45° С, and 4,3 % strains were thermophilic. The largest number of strains was facultative heterofermentative. Lactobacillus strains isolated from fermented plant material characterized by different levels of acid-forming activity. The smallest amount of acid produced lactobacilli strains were isolated from fermented bamboo (the average was 50,6ºT); the largest average acid (181,2ºT) was noted in strains isolated from pickled mustard leaves. The greatest number of species represented by strains L. fermentum (28,6 % from total number of isolated lactobacilli), L. plantarum (26,3 %) and L. brevis (18,7 %).
A study biological properties of the bacillus strains isolated from pickled tradional Vietnamese products was undertaken. 91 lactic acid strains lactic acid bacteria were found belonging to the genus Lactobacillus based on the study of complex morphological, cultural, biochemical and physiological properties. All studied lactobacilli strains have grown at 15° С, 25 % - at 4°С and 45° С, and 4,3 % strains were thermophilic. The largest number of strains was facultative heterofermentative. Lactobacillus strains isolated from fermented plant material characterized by different levels of acid-forming activity. The smallest amount of acid produced lactobacilli strains were isolated from fermented bamboo (the average was 50,6ºT); the largest average acid (181,2ºT) was noted in strains isolated from pickled mustard leaves. The greatest number of species represented by strains L. fermentum (28,6 % from total number of isolated lactobacilli), L. plantarum (26,3 %) and L. brevis (18,7 %).
Ключові слова
6.040102 біологія, молочнокислі бактерії, ідентифікація, ферментовані продукти, fermented products, bacteria of genus Lactobacillus, morphological