Топос митця у сучасній українській есеїстиці (за матеріалами збірки В. Неборака «Лексикон А . Г .»)
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Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
У статті йдеться про дослідження портретної есеїстики В. Неборака (збірка «Лексикон А. Г.») із застосуванням топологічної рефлексії — підходу, запропонованого філософом В. Савчуком. Зроблено спеціальний акцент на образі творчої
особистості, яка є центром буття певного топосу. Зосереджено увагу на тому,
як митець цей топос уналежнює, окреслює, іншими словами, онтологізує. Виділено низку есеїстичних технік у збірці «Лексикон А. Г.»: одноосібне портретування,
портретування митців крізь їхні твори, подвійне портретування, автопортретування, колективне портретування.
В статье речь идет об исследовании портретной эссеистики В. Неборака (сбор- ник «Лексикон А. Г.»), исходя из топологической рефлексии — подхода, предложенно- го философом В. Савчуком. Сделан специальный акцент на образе личности, которая является центром бытия определенного топоса. Сосредоточено внимание на том, как писатель этот топос опредмечивает, определяет, иными словами, — онтологи- зирует. Выделен ряд эссеистических техник в сборнике «Лексикон А. Г.»: единоличное портретирование, портретирование писателей через их произведения, двойное пор- третирование, автопортретирование, коллективное портретирование.
The article deals with the portrait essays by V. Neborak, presented in the collection of his works «Lexikon A. G.», based on topological reflection — approach proposed by philosopher V. Savchuk. The research is carried out based on the understanding that the condition for topos’ existence is a person carrying out not so much psycho-physiological, but rather rational topological idea. The collection of portraiture essays by V. Neborak, listed in the alphabetical principle, is analyzed. Its structure and discursive possibilities of works contained within it are outlined. Special emphasis is made on the image of creative personality, who is the center of specific topos. The focus is made on how the artist identifies this topos, or in other words, ontologizes it. A number of essayist techniques in the collection «Lexicon AG» were singled out: individual portraiture, portraiture of artists through their works, dual portraiture, self-portraiture, collective portraiture. As a result of the study, it was concluded that creating the artist’s topos in essays opens up new creative facets of the one who organizes it: by creating a portrait of the Homo Artisticus, the author finds his own individualized form of expression for subjective ideas about the fragment of objective reality represented by the writer. By expressing objective things inside subjective thoughts, the author involuntarily reveals himself in the essay portraits with a certain degree of intensity. By creating a portrait of the writer, V. Neboryak transmits the objective, which, to a certain extent, becomes an expression of subjective self-identity. In other words, the author’s topos is rooted in other topos of the artists, by becoming its component, and vice versa. This process occurs through a verbally made reflection. Therefore, the ontology of another artist becomes the basis for the creation (disclosure) of his ontology «author-essayist», interesting novelty and originality, which, in turn, makes it possible and expands the abilities of a writer’s essay as discursive practice.
В статье речь идет об исследовании портретной эссеистики В. Неборака (сбор- ник «Лексикон А. Г.»), исходя из топологической рефлексии — подхода, предложенно- го философом В. Савчуком. Сделан специальный акцент на образе личности, которая является центром бытия определенного топоса. Сосредоточено внимание на том, как писатель этот топос опредмечивает, определяет, иными словами, — онтологи- зирует. Выделен ряд эссеистических техник в сборнике «Лексикон А. Г.»: единоличное портретирование, портретирование писателей через их произведения, двойное пор- третирование, автопортретирование, коллективное портретирование.
The article deals with the portrait essays by V. Neborak, presented in the collection of his works «Lexikon A. G.», based on topological reflection — approach proposed by philosopher V. Savchuk. The research is carried out based on the understanding that the condition for topos’ existence is a person carrying out not so much psycho-physiological, but rather rational topological idea. The collection of portraiture essays by V. Neborak, listed in the alphabetical principle, is analyzed. Its structure and discursive possibilities of works contained within it are outlined. Special emphasis is made on the image of creative personality, who is the center of specific topos. The focus is made on how the artist identifies this topos, or in other words, ontologizes it. A number of essayist techniques in the collection «Lexicon AG» were singled out: individual portraiture, portraiture of artists through their works, dual portraiture, self-portraiture, collective portraiture. As a result of the study, it was concluded that creating the artist’s topos in essays opens up new creative facets of the one who organizes it: by creating a portrait of the Homo Artisticus, the author finds his own individualized form of expression for subjective ideas about the fragment of objective reality represented by the writer. By expressing objective things inside subjective thoughts, the author involuntarily reveals himself in the essay portraits with a certain degree of intensity. By creating a portrait of the writer, V. Neboryak transmits the objective, which, to a certain extent, becomes an expression of subjective self-identity. In other words, the author’s topos is rooted in other topos of the artists, by becoming its component, and vice versa. This process occurs through a verbally made reflection. Therefore, the ontology of another artist becomes the basis for the creation (disclosure) of his ontology «author-essayist», interesting novelty and originality, which, in turn, makes it possible and expands the abilities of a writer’s essay as discursive practice.
Ключові слова
есей, портрет, топос, митець, онтологізація, эссе, художник, онтологизация, essay, portrait, topos, artist, ontologization
Бібліографічний опис
Проблеми сучасного літературознавства = The problems of contemporary literary studies