Шляхи входження і функціювання лексичних запозичень на позначення їжі та питва у поемі «Енеїда» І.Котляревського
Науковий керівник
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Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
У статті розглянуто функціювання лексичних запозичень на позначення їжі й питва у бурлескно-травестійній поемі «Енеїда» І. Котляревського, подано етимологічний аналіз запозичень, досліджено їхні шляхи входження, виокремлено найчастотніші та маловживані лексеми з метою опису загальної картини поповнення лексичного складу української мови запозиченнями та їхньої ролі в аналізованому художньому творі.
В статье рассмотрено функционирование лексических заимствований для обозначения еды и питья в бурлескно-травестийной поэме «Энеида» И. Котляревского, представлено этимологический анализ заимствований, исследовано пути вхождения лексических заимствований, выделено наиболее употребляемые лексемы с целью описания общей картины обогащения лексического запаса украинского языка словами иностранного происхождения.
The article examines the functioning of lexical loanwords related foods and drinks in the burlesque-travesty poem "Eneyida" by I. Kotlyarevsky, presents etymological analysis of loanwords, studies ways of entry of lexical loanwords, identifies the most used lexemes in order to describe a general picture of enrichment of the lexical stock of the Ukrainian language with words of foreign origin . The purpose is to analyse loanwords related foods and drinks, identifying the most popular loanwords in the «Eneyida» and how they are used in the context of the work. For realization of the purpose , the following tasks were solved: research words of foreign origin from Polish, Latin, Greek, determine ways of entering loanwords related foods and drinks, carry out an etymological analysis of words, note the most popular lexemes in the context of the work. The object of research is lexical loanwords related foods and drinks in the burlesque-travesty poem "Eneyida" by I. Kotlyarevsky and the subject – words of foreign origin from Polish, Latin, Greek. The source base was 15 lexical loanwords related foods and drinks (horilka, syvukha, braha, med, syrivets, kalhanivka, lemishka, lokshyna, oliia, slyvianka, kaviar, chai, chykyldykha, dulivka, sykyzka ) in 65 word usage. The food reflects the national character, the inner culture of the people. The concept "food" is a very important part of the national mentality, thereby the issue of learning the vocabulary related foods and drinks is still relevant. The study found that among the lexemes in the poem "Eneyida" by I. Kotlyarevsky 40% borrowings from Greek and Latin, this is due to the international contacts Ukrainians have with these peoples: trade, travel, art , 20% from Polisch, 20% Lithuanian, 15% Turkish, 5% Chinese. In the poem "Eneyida" fixied 9 direct and 6 indirect borrowing. Among the most popular lexemes are horilka, syvukha, braha. A promising development is the research is lexical loanwords related foods and drinks Ukrainian literature XVIII-XXI century.
В статье рассмотрено функционирование лексических заимствований для обозначения еды и питья в бурлескно-травестийной поэме «Энеида» И. Котляревского, представлено этимологический анализ заимствований, исследовано пути вхождения лексических заимствований, выделено наиболее употребляемые лексемы с целью описания общей картины обогащения лексического запаса украинского языка словами иностранного происхождения.
The article examines the functioning of lexical loanwords related foods and drinks in the burlesque-travesty poem "Eneyida" by I. Kotlyarevsky, presents etymological analysis of loanwords, studies ways of entry of lexical loanwords, identifies the most used lexemes in order to describe a general picture of enrichment of the lexical stock of the Ukrainian language with words of foreign origin . The purpose is to analyse loanwords related foods and drinks, identifying the most popular loanwords in the «Eneyida» and how they are used in the context of the work. For realization of the purpose , the following tasks were solved: research words of foreign origin from Polish, Latin, Greek, determine ways of entering loanwords related foods and drinks, carry out an etymological analysis of words, note the most popular lexemes in the context of the work. The object of research is lexical loanwords related foods and drinks in the burlesque-travesty poem "Eneyida" by I. Kotlyarevsky and the subject – words of foreign origin from Polish, Latin, Greek. The source base was 15 lexical loanwords related foods and drinks (horilka, syvukha, braha, med, syrivets, kalhanivka, lemishka, lokshyna, oliia, slyvianka, kaviar, chai, chykyldykha, dulivka, sykyzka ) in 65 word usage. The food reflects the national character, the inner culture of the people. The concept "food" is a very important part of the national mentality, thereby the issue of learning the vocabulary related foods and drinks is still relevant. The study found that among the lexemes in the poem "Eneyida" by I. Kotlyarevsky 40% borrowings from Greek and Latin, this is due to the international contacts Ukrainians have with these peoples: trade, travel, art , 20% from Polisch, 20% Lithuanian, 15% Turkish, 5% Chinese. In the poem "Eneyida" fixied 9 direct and 6 indirect borrowing. Among the most popular lexemes are horilka, syvukha, braha. A promising development is the research is lexical loanwords related foods and drinks Ukrainian literature XVIII-XXI century.
Ключові слова
запозичення, шляхи входження (прямі, опосередковані), лексика на позначення їжі та питва, «Енеїда» І. Котляревського, ментальність, заимствования, пути вхождения (прямые, косвенные), лексика для обозначения названий еды и питья, «Энеида» И. Котляревского, ментальность, loanwords, ways of entry (direct, indirect), lexical loanwords related foods and drinks, "Eneyida" by I. Kotlyarevsky, mentality
Бібліографічний опис
Записки з українського мовознавства = Opera in linguistica ukrainiana