Мережецентрична війна: основні риси, особливості та принципи ведення
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Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
У статті розглядається концепція мережецентричної війни, як спосіб орієнтований на досягнення військової переваги за допомогою об'єднання військових об'єктів у інформаційну мережу.
The article considers the concept of Network‐centric warfare as a method aimed at achieving military advantage by combining military objects into the information network. The article considers that the globalization and technological progress have led to the formation of an information space as a "battlefield", where open hostilities against the servers of state institutions of economic, energy, and administrative transport infrastructure take place. The notions of "cyber space", "cyber security", "Cyber War", "cyber attack" have become less than natural in the everyday lives of developed countries that direct their forces to "deterring" the enemy. The use of the information space as a tactical battlefield for conducting a new type of "hybrid" wars (wars indirectly) involves a reduction in military operations and human losses. However, the innovation has become another related to the previous concept - the concept of "Network-centric war", which involves the use of information technology to improve the quality of traditional military operations. The correct use of these concepts and their relationship is still the focus of the researchers. On an example of an analysis of the American military operation in Iraq in 2003, the author reviewed the process of approbation of network-centric warfare, revealed the general features, features and tactics of such a war.
The article considers the concept of Network‐centric warfare as a method aimed at achieving military advantage by combining military objects into the information network. The article considers that the globalization and technological progress have led to the formation of an information space as a "battlefield", where open hostilities against the servers of state institutions of economic, energy, and administrative transport infrastructure take place. The notions of "cyber space", "cyber security", "Cyber War", "cyber attack" have become less than natural in the everyday lives of developed countries that direct their forces to "deterring" the enemy. The use of the information space as a tactical battlefield for conducting a new type of "hybrid" wars (wars indirectly) involves a reduction in military operations and human losses. However, the innovation has become another related to the previous concept - the concept of "Network-centric war", which involves the use of information technology to improve the quality of traditional military operations. The correct use of these concepts and their relationship is still the focus of the researchers. On an example of an analysis of the American military operation in Iraq in 2003, the author reviewed the process of approbation of network-centric warfare, revealed the general features, features and tactics of such a war.
Ключові слова
мережецентрична війна, Network-centric warfare, інформаційна мережа, GIG або «Глобальна інформаційна решітка», "Cyber War", information network, GIG or Global Informational Grid
Бібліографічний опис
Соціально-політичні студії : наук. альманах.