Историческая география проживания украинских казаков в населенных пунктах Бессарабии в XVIII - первой трети XIX столетия
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Проблема истории украинского казачества - одна из центральных тем в исследованиях,
посвященных периоду позднего средневековья и нового времени.
Историографическое изучение этой темы довольно значительно, вместе с тем ее
освещение, как правило, ограничивалось 1775 г., т.е. ликвидацией Запорожской
Сечи, отдавая должное только черноморскому казачеству как продолжателю запорожских
традиций. Задунайское казачество, или так называемые турецкие запорожцы,
сформировавшееся уже после 1775 г. в пределах Османской империи,
требовало и требует специального изучения с переоценкой их роли и значения во
взаимоотношениях двух империй - Российской и Османской. За последнее время
появилось достаточно конкретно-исторических и обобщающих работ по истории
задунайских турецких запорожцев.
The question about the resettlement o f Ukrainian Danubian Cossacks on the territory o f Bessarabia in thefirst third o f XIXth century is examined in the article. Some stages o f massive resettlement can be distinguished in the course o f sources analysis. All o f them were connected with the Russo-Turkish wars o f the end ofXVIIIth — the beginning o f X IX h centuries. For example, one o f the first stages o f resettlement was connected with the destruction o f Zaporozhian Sich in 1709 and 1775, the foundation of Danubian Sich in Dobruja in the end o f the 70s years o f XVIIIth century. During this period Ukrainian Cossacks settled along the lower reaches o f the rivers Danube and Dniester. The centers o f settlements were the Kiliya-Vylkove region on the Danube and the Akkerman and the Soroky on the Dniester. The next stage was marked by the Russo-Turkish wars o f 1806-1812 and 1828-1829. The wider resettlement on the whole o f Bessarabian territories including the Akkerman, Izmail, Bendery, Kishinev, Orgeyev and other populated localities was observed during this period. In contrast to the previous period Cossacks settled with their families and founded some villages such as Ackmagnit, Starokazach e, Mychailovka and others.
The question about the resettlement o f Ukrainian Danubian Cossacks on the territory o f Bessarabia in thefirst third o f XIXth century is examined in the article. Some stages o f massive resettlement can be distinguished in the course o f sources analysis. All o f them were connected with the Russo-Turkish wars o f the end ofXVIIIth — the beginning o f X IX h centuries. For example, one o f the first stages o f resettlement was connected with the destruction o f Zaporozhian Sich in 1709 and 1775, the foundation of Danubian Sich in Dobruja in the end o f the 70s years o f XVIIIth century. During this period Ukrainian Cossacks settled along the lower reaches o f the rivers Danube and Dniester. The centers o f settlements were the Kiliya-Vylkove region on the Danube and the Akkerman and the Soroky on the Dniester. The next stage was marked by the Russo-Turkish wars o f 1806-1812 and 1828-1829. The wider resettlement on the whole o f Bessarabian territories including the Akkerman, Izmail, Bendery, Kishinev, Orgeyev and other populated localities was observed during this period. In contrast to the previous period Cossacks settled with their families and founded some villages such as Ackmagnit, Starokazach e, Mychailovka and others.
Ключові слова
украинское казачество, Запорожская Сечь, Бессарабия, Ukrainian Danubian Cossacks, Russo-Turkish wars, Zaporozhian Sich, Bessarabian
Бібліографічний опис
Orizonturi medievale şi moderne în istoria românilor : economie, societate, politică,cultură, istoria ştiinţei : în onoarea profesorului Demir Dragnev / Academia de Stiinte a Moldovei ; ed. C. Manolache . – Chisinau : Centr. "Andrei Lupan", 2016 .