Політологічна вісь «Схід-Україна-Захід»: соціокультурний чинник
Науковий керівник
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Назва тому
Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
У статті викладені результати
порівняльного дослідження властивостей
соціокультурних особливостей на Сході,
Заході та Україні. For formation and carrying out the
political science axis of "East-Ukraine-West"
is taken as a basis for socio-cultural aspect.
This aspect is a continuous process of
succession and spread of cultural values,
traditions, customs and social roles. Culture is
an integral part of any society, as it has a great
influence on the formation of various spheres
of life in the state, the more political. Thus,
the subject of this study is the impact of social
and cultural factors on the formation and
perception of the political system in the East,
the West and in Ukraine.
In preparing the materials of the article
was the analysis of research and publications
on selected topics in modern political science.
Question occurrence political process in
modern Ukraine highlighted in the work of
Volynskiy and others. Research Efimova made
it possible to analyze the political culture of
the modern states of Asia and Africa. Erich
Fromm opened one of the first pathological processes available to the person and translates
this disease on society and Weber defined the
"morals of success" that accompanies a man of
the West.
Thus, the socio-cultural aspect in
politics, being a product of social evolution
depends on the level of maturity of the
political system in general, the nature of the
political system and form of government, in
turn, provide a major impact on the stability or
variability, political systems and institutions
for progress and the pace of political
development and modernization. It is
important that all political cultures reflected
awareness of the need to preserve peace on
Earth, ensuring further development of
civilization that provides multiversion future.
Ключові слова
політологічна вісь, політична культура, глобалізація, соціокультурний чинник, political science axle, political culture, globalization, socio-cultural factors
Бібліографічний опис
Соціально-політичні студії : наук. альманах.