Вербалізація гендерних стереотипів у соціально-побутових казках
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Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
У статті проаналізовано національну специфіку мовного вираження концептів чоловік / жінка у народних соціально-побутових казках України та Великобританії через гендерно марковані номінації героїв; зроблено висновок,
що гендерно марковані номінації персонажів казок залучають увесь спектр
стереотипних лінгвокультурних асоціацій, пов’язаних з маскулінністю та фемінністю.
В статье проанализирована национальная специфика вербализации концептов мужчина / женщина в социально-бытовых сказках Украины и Великобритании через гендерно маркированные номинации героев; сделан вывод,что гендерно маркированные номинации персонажей сказок привлекают весь спектр стереотипных лингвокультурных ассоциаций, связанных с маскулинностью и феминностью.
The object of our article is gender stereotypes in the Ukrainian and English folk tales. Folk tales can serve as the authentic material to identify gender stereotypes in a certain lingua-culture. The subject of our research is the verbalization of the gender stereotypes in the Ukrainian and English folk tales. The aim is to reveal the male and female characteristic features in the folk tales. The comparative method was used to compare the common and different in masculine and feminine heroes in the Ukrainian and English linguaculture. Our attention was drawn by the gender labeled nominations of heroes. Group of nominations reflecting the relationship in the family is the biggest. We have analyzed 20 Ukrainian and 12 British folk fairy tales in order to identify common and different male and female features in the Ukrainian and English folk tales. Comparing the means of verbalizing concepts man / woman in a family relationship of the Ukrainian and English tales we found, first, that the Ukrainian language words denoting family members are more diverse. English texts prove the use of the following words: husband, wife, father, mother, son, daughter, sister, brother, bride. Thus, folk tales can serve as the authentic material to identify representations of common anatomical and biological, emotional, mental, sociocultural, behavioral and psychological characteristics associated with male or female individuality in a particular linguaculture.
В статье проанализирована национальная специфика вербализации концептов мужчина / женщина в социально-бытовых сказках Украины и Великобритании через гендерно маркированные номинации героев; сделан вывод,что гендерно маркированные номинации персонажей сказок привлекают весь спектр стереотипных лингвокультурных ассоциаций, связанных с маскулинностью и феминностью.
The object of our article is gender stereotypes in the Ukrainian and English folk tales. Folk tales can serve as the authentic material to identify gender stereotypes in a certain lingua-culture. The subject of our research is the verbalization of the gender stereotypes in the Ukrainian and English folk tales. The aim is to reveal the male and female characteristic features in the folk tales. The comparative method was used to compare the common and different in masculine and feminine heroes in the Ukrainian and English linguaculture. Our attention was drawn by the gender labeled nominations of heroes. Group of nominations reflecting the relationship in the family is the biggest. We have analyzed 20 Ukrainian and 12 British folk fairy tales in order to identify common and different male and female features in the Ukrainian and English folk tales. Comparing the means of verbalizing concepts man / woman in a family relationship of the Ukrainian and English tales we found, first, that the Ukrainian language words denoting family members are more diverse. English texts prove the use of the following words: husband, wife, father, mother, son, daughter, sister, brother, bride. Thus, folk tales can serve as the authentic material to identify representations of common anatomical and biological, emotional, mental, sociocultural, behavioral and psychological characteristics associated with male or female individuality in a particular linguaculture.
Ключові слова
гендер, лінгвокультурологія, гендерно маркована номінація, лингвокультурология, гендерно маркированная номинация, gender, cultural linguistics, gender marked nomination
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