Особливості міжкультурного діалогу «Україна — східноєвропейські держави»: нові виклики та реалії
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Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
У статті зроблено аналіз міжкультурних зв’язків України зі східноєвропей ськими державами. Автор висвітлює питання цивілізаційної ідентифікації учасників діалогу. Приділено увагу ролі діаспори у підтримці проукраїн ських настроїв в країнах.
В статье проанализированы межкультурные связи Украины с восточноевропейскими государствами. Автор затрагивает вопросы цивилизационной идентификации участников диалога. Уделено внимание роли диаспоры в поддержке проукраинских настроений в странах.
The cross-cultural relations of Ukraine with the Eastern European states were analyzed in the article. The author touched upon the issues of civilization identification of the participants of a dialogue. Attention to the role of the Diasporas’ supporting of the pro-Ukrainian sentiments in the countries was paid. It is necessary to understand that formation of mentality in the conditions of pressure had affected a component of their national identification of Ukrainians and majority of the Eastern Europeans too. Today main part of the EE countries — the members of the EU. The latest events in Ukraine showed a new socio-cultural symbiosis interpretation which was capable to lead the population to self-determination and understanding themselves as a part of common civilization’s area. Under the circumstances the protection of cultural needs of ethnic minorities, the population welfare, freedom, a rule of law were basis of a friendly relations between the countries. That especially effective was cooperation at the level of the ethnic minorities. In summary, the research showed the consolidation of societies on the basis of the European values allowed creating the group of the reliable partners which capable to provide strong links between representatives of new generations. Unfortunately, only the Ukrainian people (but not the power) demonstrated their readiness for upgrades once again. And now the power structures have to implement effective reforms and begin the forming of the political elite. Now the international support of the Central European at different levels was especially important for Ukraine and can be a motive power for development of the united, independent European country.
В статье проанализированы межкультурные связи Украины с восточноевропейскими государствами. Автор затрагивает вопросы цивилизационной идентификации участников диалога. Уделено внимание роли диаспоры в поддержке проукраинских настроений в странах.
The cross-cultural relations of Ukraine with the Eastern European states were analyzed in the article. The author touched upon the issues of civilization identification of the participants of a dialogue. Attention to the role of the Diasporas’ supporting of the pro-Ukrainian sentiments in the countries was paid. It is necessary to understand that formation of mentality in the conditions of pressure had affected a component of their national identification of Ukrainians and majority of the Eastern Europeans too. Today main part of the EE countries — the members of the EU. The latest events in Ukraine showed a new socio-cultural symbiosis interpretation which was capable to lead the population to self-determination and understanding themselves as a part of common civilization’s area. Under the circumstances the protection of cultural needs of ethnic minorities, the population welfare, freedom, a rule of law were basis of a friendly relations between the countries. That especially effective was cooperation at the level of the ethnic minorities. In summary, the research showed the consolidation of societies on the basis of the European values allowed creating the group of the reliable partners which capable to provide strong links between representatives of new generations. Unfortunately, only the Ukrainian people (but not the power) demonstrated their readiness for upgrades once again. And now the power structures have to implement effective reforms and begin the forming of the political elite. Now the international support of the Central European at different levels was especially important for Ukraine and can be a motive power for development of the united, independent European country.
Ключові слова
Україна, східноєвропейські країни, міжкультурний діалог, Украина, восточноевропейские государства, межкультурный диалог, Ukraine, the Eastern-European states, cross-cultural dialog
Бібліографічний опис
Вісник Одеського національного університету = Odesa National University Herald