«Литературные вечера» М. Фумелі як джерело з вивчення соціокультурного життя Одеси середини XIX ст.
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Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
Належність періодики до сфери культури, породженням і невід'ємною частиною якої вона є, надає їй деяку автономність навіть у рамках
абсолютистської держави, що робить її цінним джерелом з вивчення
різних аспектів соціокультурного життя регіону, де вона видавалась. У
статті розглянуто публікації збірника «Литературные вечера» М. Фумелі, що виходив в Одесі у 1849 і 1850 рр., його вплив на сучасників,
становлення молодих одеських авторів, охарактеризовано ставлення
цензури і столичних критиків до цього видання.
In the middle of the XIX century, the publication of literary collections experienced another rise. Odesa was not only an administrative but also a cultural center of the large region and remained the only city in southern provinces of the Russian Empire where literary almanacs were published. Many aspects of the development of the port city, its culture and literature are reflected on their pages. So we can consider these materials as one of important sources, though non-traditional for historical works. The main thesis of the article is that the collection “Literaturnye Vechera” (“The Literary Evenings”), published by Mykola (Nikolay) Fumeli, is a significant source for studying the social and cultural life in Odesa of that time. This work is based on the “Literaturnye Vechera” materials, critical reviews from the popular central magazines “Sovremennik” (“The Contemporary”) and “Otechestvennye Zapiski” (“The Domestic Notes”), archival funds. The “Literaturnye Vechera” history of appearance was partially considered in the monograph by I. S. Grebtsova, but this collection possibilities as a historical source have not yet been the object of special research. The article analyzed the publication of two literary collections, published in 1849 and 1850. It should be emphasized that Mr. Fumeli, who was a graduate of the Richelieu Lyceum, managed to bring strong team of local authors to work in his “Literaturnye Vechera”. M. Gerbanovsky, K. Zelenetsky, E. Kolbasin, M. Kartamyshev, O. Rabinovich and other Odesa writers were among them. Interesting to note that in the 30s of the 19th century, when the Odesa almanacs had been in the early period of formation, tough competition forced them to resort to services of famous writers from St. Petersburg and Moscow. A decade and a half later, local writers and poets reasonably relied on their own strength, which testifies to the rapid growth of their professionalism.The publications from “Literaturnye Vechera” had a tangible impact on contemporaries. Archival materials say this literary collection caused some concern to the tsarist censorship since unsleeping censors didn’t like the vivid display of unsightly aspects of life in the state on the pages of published stories. At the same time, literary critics from democratic metropolitan magazines highly appreciated the talent of Odesa writers. The article concludes the “Literaturnye Vechera” team of authors managed to clearly express in their publications the diversity of the commercial city life. Belonging to the sphere of culture, periodicals had some autonomy even within the framework of an absolutist state. Odesa writers revealed various aspects and features of the development of the southern port without avoiding sensitive issues. Besides “Literaturnye Vechera” contributed to the moral education of readers, formed literary tastes, and became the starting point in the career of young Odesa writers. Publications of this literary collection make it a valuable and multifaceted historical source for studying of the socio-cultural life of Odesa.
In the middle of the XIX century, the publication of literary collections experienced another rise. Odesa was not only an administrative but also a cultural center of the large region and remained the only city in southern provinces of the Russian Empire where literary almanacs were published. Many aspects of the development of the port city, its culture and literature are reflected on their pages. So we can consider these materials as one of important sources, though non-traditional for historical works. The main thesis of the article is that the collection “Literaturnye Vechera” (“The Literary Evenings”), published by Mykola (Nikolay) Fumeli, is a significant source for studying the social and cultural life in Odesa of that time. This work is based on the “Literaturnye Vechera” materials, critical reviews from the popular central magazines “Sovremennik” (“The Contemporary”) and “Otechestvennye Zapiski” (“The Domestic Notes”), archival funds. The “Literaturnye Vechera” history of appearance was partially considered in the monograph by I. S. Grebtsova, but this collection possibilities as a historical source have not yet been the object of special research. The article analyzed the publication of two literary collections, published in 1849 and 1850. It should be emphasized that Mr. Fumeli, who was a graduate of the Richelieu Lyceum, managed to bring strong team of local authors to work in his “Literaturnye Vechera”. M. Gerbanovsky, K. Zelenetsky, E. Kolbasin, M. Kartamyshev, O. Rabinovich and other Odesa writers were among them. Interesting to note that in the 30s of the 19th century, when the Odesa almanacs had been in the early period of formation, tough competition forced them to resort to services of famous writers from St. Petersburg and Moscow. A decade and a half later, local writers and poets reasonably relied on their own strength, which testifies to the rapid growth of their professionalism.The publications from “Literaturnye Vechera” had a tangible impact on contemporaries. Archival materials say this literary collection caused some concern to the tsarist censorship since unsleeping censors didn’t like the vivid display of unsightly aspects of life in the state on the pages of published stories. At the same time, literary critics from democratic metropolitan magazines highly appreciated the talent of Odesa writers. The article concludes the “Literaturnye Vechera” team of authors managed to clearly express in their publications the diversity of the commercial city life. Belonging to the sphere of culture, periodicals had some autonomy even within the framework of an absolutist state. Odesa writers revealed various aspects and features of the development of the southern port without avoiding sensitive issues. Besides “Literaturnye Vechera” contributed to the moral education of readers, formed literary tastes, and became the starting point in the career of young Odesa writers. Publications of this literary collection make it a valuable and multifaceted historical source for studying of the socio-cultural life of Odesa.
Ключові слова
періодика, літературні збірники, Одеса, цензура, літературна критика, periodicals, literary collections, Odessa, censorship, literary criticism
Бібліографічний опис
Записки історичного факультету = Записки исторического факультета