Методична розробка факультативного курсу «Політика Румунської адміністрації щодо етнічних груп на території трансністрії (1941-1944 рр.)»
Науковий керівник
Назва журналу
Назва тому
Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
Стаття представляє методичну розробку факультативного курсу для старшої школи, який представляє в регіональному аспекті, історію Голокосту єврейського населення, геноциду ромів та життя мирного населення на окупованій Румунією української території в роки Другої світової війни.
Is presented in article methodical development of a facultative course for high school. Where are presented questions of the Holocaust, genocide of roma and life of civilians in Transnistria (1941-1944). Thise course examines Romanias consistent policy regarding to the ethnic groups living on the territory of Transnistria, the region between the Dniester and the Southern Bug, which was temporarily occupied by Romania. The main objectives of the course are to create the understanding of interethnic relations, the development of the historical thinking of the students, which implies a general understanding of the historical process in it's diversity and contradiction, the application of historical knowledge and acquired skills, the promotion of the creation of the national consciousness and the historical memory. Need of a research of a subject is explained by insufficient studying of policy of the Romanian administration to ethnic groups in Transnistria in the years of war. The realization of national policy in the region was enabled by methods of rumaniation, colonization, deportation and repatriation of ethnic groups. The subject is poorly studied in Ukraine and demands a further research which would be based on new methods of work.
Is presented in article methodical development of a facultative course for high school. Where are presented questions of the Holocaust, genocide of roma and life of civilians in Transnistria (1941-1944). Thise course examines Romanias consistent policy regarding to the ethnic groups living on the territory of Transnistria, the region between the Dniester and the Southern Bug, which was temporarily occupied by Romania. The main objectives of the course are to create the understanding of interethnic relations, the development of the historical thinking of the students, which implies a general understanding of the historical process in it's diversity and contradiction, the application of historical knowledge and acquired skills, the promotion of the creation of the national consciousness and the historical memory. Need of a research of a subject is explained by insufficient studying of policy of the Romanian administration to ethnic groups in Transnistria in the years of war. The realization of national policy in the region was enabled by methods of rumaniation, colonization, deportation and repatriation of ethnic groups. The subject is poorly studied in Ukraine and demands a further research which would be based on new methods of work.
Ключові слова
Друга світова війна, Трансністрія, етнічні групи, Голокост, геноцид, методична розробка, Second World War, Transnistria, ethnic groups, Holocaust, genocide, methodical development
Бібліографічний опис
Записки історичного факультету = Записки исторического факультета