Relations of post-communist Mediterranean countries with Ukraine in the conditions of Europeanization

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The early 2000s brought the prospect of the EU's largest-ever enlargement and prompted authors to focus on Europeanization issues. Eastern enlargement raised many new questions and challenges for Europeanization researchers. For instance, it was necessary to determine how the processes of post-communist transformation and Europeanization were interconnected and which significant new political and socio-economic factors were present in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). Given the considerable differences between post-communist countries and the older EU members, research shifted its focus from the effects of EU-level decisions on setting agendas in member states to the impact these decisions had on motivating membership-linked reforms in former socialist bloc countries. Thus, the focus turns to the mechanisms by which the EU motivates potential members to meet its requirements and the obstacles that arise in the path of these countries’ integration. The study of Europeanization in the post-communist world developed within the theoretical framework where the primary theoretical contradiction remained the divergence between rational and sociological institutionalism in explaining the effects of Europeanization. However, the similarity between the Europeanization of old EU members and the Europeanization of post-communist countries ends there. The main difference between Western and Eastern European countries was more than just their distinct histories or levels of socio-economic development. From the perspective of explaining EU influence, the central factor was that CEE countries were still candidates for membership.
Ключові слова
Europeanization, the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), post-communist Mediterranean countries, the Western Balkans, Ukraine, Croatia, Croatian-Ukrainian relations, Slovenia, Albania, the Russia-Ukraine war, international relations
Бібліографічний опис
Brusylovska O. Relations of post-communist Mediterranean countries with Ukraine in the conditions of Europeanization / O. Brusylovska // Multidimensional regionalism in the Mediterranean: actors and challenges : monograph / author collective: O. Brusylovska, V. Cassar, M. Doğan et al. ; eds.: O. Brusylovska, S. Erdoğan, D. Irrera. – Odesa : Astroprint, 2024. – P. 175–194.