Соціальні механізми формування правосвідомості
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Автор починає з розгляду біологічних основ нормативної поведінки у тваринних спільнотах. Наступним етапом виступають первісні спільноти. Автор пропонує логічну модель, згідно з якою розвиток правових відносин визначається стадіями вивільнення індивіда з первинної зв'язності. Робота розкриває пряму залежність між правом і формою самоідентифікації людини. Формування і розвиток правосвідомості здійснюється за допомогою функціонування правових інститутів старого соціуму. Рушійним мотивом перетворення правосвідомості виявляється зміна зовнішніх умов існування суспільства і виникнення перед ним нових завдань. Механізмом перетворення структури суспільства, його самоідентифікації та правосвідомості виступає розчленування раніше злитих форм діяльності та з'єднання їх заново в іншому порядку.
Автор начинает с рассмотрения биологических основ нормативного поведения в животных сообществах. Следующим этапом выступают первобытные сообщества. Автор предлагает логическую модель, согласно которой развитие правовых отношений определяется стадиями высвобождения индивида из первичной связности. Работа раскрывает прямую зависимость между правом и формой самоидентификации человека. Формирование и развитие правосознания осуществляется посредством функционирования правовых институтов старого социума. Движущим мотивом преобразования правосознания оказывается изменение внешних условий существования общества и возникновение перед ним новых задач. Механизмом преобразования структуры общества, его самоидентификации и правосознания выступает расчленение ранее слитых форм деятельности и соединение их заново в ином порядке.
The author begins the study of legal relations by looking at the biological behavioral norms in animals' communities. The next level is the primitive communities. The author suggests a logical model according to which the development of legal relations is determined by the stages of an individual's disconnection from an original connectedness. The study defines the basic stages: ego, individual, person, self. The disconnection from the biological behavioral norms is compensated by the growth of the individual's demand for trust. This demand for trust is revealed as the fundamental category of human existence. It becomes the fundamental basis for law and religion. The study reveals a direct connection between law and forms of human identity. The formation and development of legal consciousness occurs through functioning of the law institutions of the old society. The institution of society outcasts plays an important role in this model. Such an outcast appears to be able to survive because of concentrating all the basic social functions in themselves. This exclusiveness forms a new worldview for the person and singleness as a new form of identity. They think of themselves as of an exclusive being; the concept of exclusiveness is based on faith in predestination. They first realize their rights not as a member of a society but as an independent individual. In case of their return to the society, forced or agreed, they become the leader of the society. When such a leader appears we can say that legal consciousness and law appear in the society. The driving motive of the legal consciousness transformation is the change of the external conditions of the society existence and the emergence of new tasks before it. The transformation mechanism of the society structure, its self-identity, and its legal consciousness is dismembering previously merged forms of activity and merging them again in a different order. The author studies the formation and development of such consciousness in case of an artificially closed society which is the organized crime (vorovskov mir) of the former USSR. This example was chosen due to accessibility of the facts and material for research. The author suggest to hypothetically consider possibilities of formation of legal consciousness and law following this model for two primary sources of modern Western legal systems - the Roman law and the Norman law. The study shows that the law becomes a form of organizing life space, both horizontally (among members of the society and separate societies) and vertically (among different levels of the world). As a result law is seen as conditions for realization of one's existential function, and the legal consciousness as understanding of one's nature (one's essence) through mechanisms of its realization in the society. This hypothesis allows us to draw several essential conclusions. The first one being that the history of the Western civilization is the history of a slow disconnection of an individual from an original social connectedness. Another one is that a modern state is different from ancient states in its way to unite individuals: they are admitted as independent and are united on legal basis. If an ancicnt state granted rights to its citizens, a modem state itself is a union of individual rights. Third, the human rights regulate relations between the state and the citizens; it's only the citizens' rights. It is possible to have a culture where the society brings people together on a different basis: these cultures are characterized by the low level of legal consciousness and lack of faith in law.
Автор начинает с рассмотрения биологических основ нормативного поведения в животных сообществах. Следующим этапом выступают первобытные сообщества. Автор предлагает логическую модель, согласно которой развитие правовых отношений определяется стадиями высвобождения индивида из первичной связности. Работа раскрывает прямую зависимость между правом и формой самоидентификации человека. Формирование и развитие правосознания осуществляется посредством функционирования правовых институтов старого социума. Движущим мотивом преобразования правосознания оказывается изменение внешних условий существования общества и возникновение перед ним новых задач. Механизмом преобразования структуры общества, его самоидентификации и правосознания выступает расчленение ранее слитых форм деятельности и соединение их заново в ином порядке.
The author begins the study of legal relations by looking at the biological behavioral norms in animals' communities. The next level is the primitive communities. The author suggests a logical model according to which the development of legal relations is determined by the stages of an individual's disconnection from an original connectedness. The study defines the basic stages: ego, individual, person, self. The disconnection from the biological behavioral norms is compensated by the growth of the individual's demand for trust. This demand for trust is revealed as the fundamental category of human existence. It becomes the fundamental basis for law and religion. The study reveals a direct connection between law and forms of human identity. The formation and development of legal consciousness occurs through functioning of the law institutions of the old society. The institution of society outcasts plays an important role in this model. Such an outcast appears to be able to survive because of concentrating all the basic social functions in themselves. This exclusiveness forms a new worldview for the person and singleness as a new form of identity. They think of themselves as of an exclusive being; the concept of exclusiveness is based on faith in predestination. They first realize their rights not as a member of a society but as an independent individual. In case of their return to the society, forced or agreed, they become the leader of the society. When such a leader appears we can say that legal consciousness and law appear in the society. The driving motive of the legal consciousness transformation is the change of the external conditions of the society existence and the emergence of new tasks before it. The transformation mechanism of the society structure, its self-identity, and its legal consciousness is dismembering previously merged forms of activity and merging them again in a different order. The author studies the formation and development of such consciousness in case of an artificially closed society which is the organized crime (vorovskov mir) of the former USSR. This example was chosen due to accessibility of the facts and material for research. The author suggest to hypothetically consider possibilities of formation of legal consciousness and law following this model for two primary sources of modern Western legal systems - the Roman law and the Norman law. The study shows that the law becomes a form of organizing life space, both horizontally (among members of the society and separate societies) and vertically (among different levels of the world). As a result law is seen as conditions for realization of one's existential function, and the legal consciousness as understanding of one's nature (one's essence) through mechanisms of its realization in the society. This hypothesis allows us to draw several essential conclusions. The first one being that the history of the Western civilization is the history of a slow disconnection of an individual from an original social connectedness. Another one is that a modern state is different from ancient states in its way to unite individuals: they are admitted as independent and are united on legal basis. If an ancicnt state granted rights to its citizens, a modem state itself is a union of individual rights. Third, the human rights regulate relations between the state and the citizens; it's only the citizens' rights. It is possible to have a culture where the society brings people together on a different basis: these cultures are characterized by the low level of legal consciousness and lack of faith in law.
Науковий консультант: доктор філософських наук, професор, академік Української академії політичних наук Верніков Марат Миколайович
Ключові слова
правосвідомість, право, суспільство, індивід, довіра, самоідентифікація, особистість, правосознание, право, социум, индивид, доверие, исключительность, самоидентификация, личность, legal consciousness, law, society, individual, trust, singleness, identity, self
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