Номінативна ланка в середовищі українського обрядового гипертексту

Науковий керівник
Назва журналу
Назва тому
У роботі охарактеризовано обрядовий гіпертекст та його складові - лексії, проаналізовано структуру гіпертексту, його динаміку, зв'язки з кінетичною частиною, існування його в усній та писемній формі, поняття «першотекст» та «інваріант», особливості гіпертексту як комунікативного конструкту, структуру обрядових свят, деякі світоглядні уявлення міфологічного мислення, метатексти в обрядовому гіпертексті. Розглянуто номінативну ланку як форму існування номінації у гіпертексті, лакунне використання власних назв у гіпертекстових лексіях та механізми обрядової номінації. Описано вузли родинного (родильний, весільний, вузол голосінь) та календарного (колядковий, веснянковий, русальний, купальський та жнивний) кола гіпертексту.
В работе охарактеризованы обрядовый гипертекст и его составные - лексии, проанализирована структура гипертекста, его динамика, связи с кинетической частью, существование его в устной и письменной форме, понятия «первотекст» и «инвариант», особенности гипертекста как коммуникативного конструкта, структура обрядовых праздников, некоторые мировоззренческие представления мифологического мышления, метатексты в обрядовом гипертексте. Рассмотрена номинативная цепочка как форма существования номинации в гипертексте, лакунное использование имен собственных в гипертекстовых лексиях и механизмы обрядовой номинации. Описано узлы семейного (родильный, свадебный и узел причитаний) и календарного (колядковый, веснянковый, русальный, купальский и жнивный) круга гипертекста.
The dissertation analyses the Ukrainian ritual hypertext and reference chains in it. A hypertext is a text which consists of chunks of texts called lexias. Ukrainian ritual hypertext consists of smaller textual units, that is why we can analyse it like a hypertext. The main characteristics of the hypertext are decentralization, intertextuality and non-linearity. Decentralization means that the hypertext has no static centre; its centre is functional, i.e., is shifted accordingly to users' needs. Intertextuality is links which exist between the hypertextual lexias and its non-verbal components - its kinetic part. The lexias have textual characteristics too, these are: coherence, cohesion, intentionality, informativity, situativity, acceptability, intertextuality. These lexias are constructional parts, from which the hypertext is built. They are placed differently every time by the users. There is another textual level in the hypertexts, apart from lexias, - metatexts. Metatexts are texts inserted into another text. In ritual hypertext such texts are riddles and dreams interpretations. Subjects, objects and natural phenomena are represented in lexias through reference chains. Reference chain is a textual co-referential construction which refers to a certain denotate and displays implicitly textual dynamic through increasing volume of every next semantic entity. Such a reference chain refer to the world through its first entity and has a "would-like" character - the denotates and their characteristics which it describes, are non-existent but desirable for ritual participants. Proper names, which can be included into reference chains, are the means of individualization of the hypertext - they are used to fill gaps with the meaning "a person", "a higher power" or "a place". Reference chains describe something as it should be from the point of view of ritual participants, so, to understand this function better, it is necessary to analyse some mythological concepts. There are such mechanisms of ritual reference as alienation, aporia, decoding. Alienation is usage in the ritual hypertext references with the implicit or explicit meaning "not ours", "theirs". Aporia is hesitation in naming a person, verbalized with a ritual purpose. Decoding is a textual shifting from one code to another, represented in the language code by predicative reference. There are two circles in the ritual hypertext: the family circle and the calendar circle.There are birth, wedding and keening nodes in the family circle. The first is non-existent; it appeared on the later stages of the hypertext developing and was not fully built before the hypertext dropped from the daily usage. Reference chains in this node refer to a newly-born, to a midwife, to the god-father and the god-mother. Wedding node is the largest of the three and is a source from which other nodes borrow lexias, those refereeing to initial rites in particular. Reference chains refer: to a bride, a groom, bride's and groom's parents, matchmakers, guests. Metatexts in this node are dreams-interpretations. Keening node is the initial point from which a ritual participant - a dead person - is directed to ritually acceptable hypertextual points - Christmas, Easter and Rusalny week. Reference chains refer to dead persons, describing them as a great loss to society; to grave and to the time when dead are allowed to return to the community. No metatexts. The calendar circle consists of kolyadka, vesnanka, rusalny, kupalski and zhnyvny nodes. Kolyadka node is the first node of the circle and mark the turning of the sun towards summer, it has a mirror -node, kupalski, which mark the turning of the sun to the winter. Both include description of a sacrifice by drowning. Reference chains refer to family members (koluyadka's node), world tree (both nodes). Metatexts - riddles. Vesnyanka node has no clear boundaries and includes initial rites for young girls. Reference chains refer to young girls undergoing their initial rites. Metatexts - dreams interpretations. Rusalni node is a point of dead ancestors' visit. Reference chains refer to dead relatives, who return to participate in the community holiday. Metatexts - riddles. Znyvni node is the most mundane of them all because it refers to the harvesting. Reference chains refer to reapers, their employers, rite wreath. No metatexts.
Науковий керівник: кандидат філологічних наук, доцент Зубов Микола Іванович, Одеський національний університет ім. І.І.Мечникова, доцент кафедри загального та слов'янського мовознавства
Ключові слова
гіпертекст, вузол, лексія, метатекст, номінативна ланка, номінація, гипертекст, узел, лексия, метатекст, номинативная цепочка, номинация, hypertext, node, lexia, metatext, reference chain, reference
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