Український економічний вимір: четверта промислова революція
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Індустрія 4.0 є рушійною силою прогресивного розвитку економіки України, що формує потенційну можливість для діджиталізації економічного простору, досягнення синергетичного ефекту через впровадження інноваційних технологій і їх впливу на стратегічний економічний розвиток. Запровадження змін технологічних укладів, формування глобальних інтегрованих промислових мережевих потоків створюють передумови для Четвертої промислової революції в економіці України в сучасних умовах трансформацій глобалізаційних рішень. У статті розглянуто можливості вирішення проблем підвищення технологічної конкурентоспроможності економіки країни завдяки створенню привабливого інвестиційного клімату, діджиталізації, проведенні форсайтних досліджень технологічних процесів.
Industry 4.0 is the driving force behind the progressive development of the Ukrainian economy, which forms a potential opportunity for the digitization of the economic space, achieving a synergistic effect through the implementation of innovative technologies, and their impact on strategic economic development. The implementation of changes in technological systems and the formation of global integrated industrial network flows create prerequisites for the Fourth Industrial Revolution in the economy of Ukraine in the current conditions of global transformation solutions. The article examines the possibilities for solving problems related to increasing the technological competitiveness of the country's economy through the creation of an attractive investment climate, digitization, and the conduct of foresight studies of technological processes. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is a guarantee of ensuring a competitive economy for the state, which will have the necessary components to make quick decisions at any level of business management, mechanisms for adapting to changes in external and internal business environments, and will become adaptive and develop. The conceptual basis for the emergence of Industry 4.0 is the need to implement digital technologies, automated production systems, and cloud technologies in all sectors of industry, which will allow for a high level of competitiveness in the international market through a synergistic effect. Today, it should be understood that there are two fundamental trends in organizing production processes at any enterprise: the transition to new materials and "smart" environments. Choosing one of these trends forms the prerequisite for the principles of development and establishment of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Currently, the combination of the virtual world with the real world is an integral part of the existence of any business model and a prerequisite for the formation of the concept of a "safe future" for businesses.
Industry 4.0 is the driving force behind the progressive development of the Ukrainian economy, which forms a potential opportunity for the digitization of the economic space, achieving a synergistic effect through the implementation of innovative technologies, and their impact on strategic economic development. The implementation of changes in technological systems and the formation of global integrated industrial network flows create prerequisites for the Fourth Industrial Revolution in the economy of Ukraine in the current conditions of global transformation solutions. The article examines the possibilities for solving problems related to increasing the technological competitiveness of the country's economy through the creation of an attractive investment climate, digitization, and the conduct of foresight studies of technological processes. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is a guarantee of ensuring a competitive economy for the state, which will have the necessary components to make quick decisions at any level of business management, mechanisms for adapting to changes in external and internal business environments, and will become adaptive and develop. The conceptual basis for the emergence of Industry 4.0 is the need to implement digital technologies, automated production systems, and cloud technologies in all sectors of industry, which will allow for a high level of competitiveness in the international market through a synergistic effect. Today, it should be understood that there are two fundamental trends in organizing production processes at any enterprise: the transition to new materials and "smart" environments. Choosing one of these trends forms the prerequisite for the principles of development and establishment of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Currently, the combination of the virtual world with the real world is an integral part of the existence of any business model and a prerequisite for the formation of the concept of a "safe future" for businesses.
Ключові слова
економіка, прогрес, промислова революція, діджиталізація, синергія, economy, progress, industrial revolution, digitization, synergy
Бібліографічний опис
Крючкова Н. М. Український економічний вимір: четверта промислова революція / Н. М. Крючкова, Л. П. Гацька, Н. Е. Лук`яненко, Ю. О. Єжелий // Академічні візії. – 2023. – Вип. 18.