Альгофлористические исследования Куяльницкого лимана и эфемерных водоемов его побережья (Северо-Западное Причерноморье, Украина)
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Представлены результаты многолетних (2009–2015 гг.) оригинальных исследований
видового состава водорослей в гипергалинном Куяльницком лимане (Кл) и
распространенных на его побережье эфемерных водоемах, отличающихся
морфометрическими размерами и физико-химическими показателями (соленость,
температура, кислотность). В эфемерных водоемах при солености воды 5,4–128,2 ‰
обнаружено 54 вида водорослей из 4 отделов: Bacillariophyta — 32 вида (59,3%),
Cyanoprokaryota – 14 (25,9%), Chlorophyta — 6 (11,1% ) и Euglenophyta – 2 (3,7%), а в
лимане при изменяющейся в этот период солености воды 198–399 ‰ – 8 видов, из
которых 6 видов из отдела Bacillariophyta и 2 — из отдела Chlorophyta. Причем при
солености 300–320 ‰ обнаружен только 1 вид зеленых водорослей — Dunaliella salina
Teodor., а с увеличением солености до 357 ‰ и более живые клетки D. salina не
выявлены. Общими для эфемерных водоемов побережья Кл и лимана в период его
наибольшей водности (2004 г. – весна 2007 г.) при изменяющейся солености воды
49,9–174 ‰ и иногда снижающейся в местах распреснения до 13–30 ‰ оказались 24
вида водорослей, из которых 9 были представителями Cyanoprokaryota, 13 —
Bacillariophyta и 2 – Chlorophyta. Среди выявленных видов, обладающих наиболее
высокой физиологической приспособляемостью и быстрой реакцией на изменения
физико-химических условий среды, отмечены Rhoicosphenia abbreviata (C. Agardh.)
Lange-Bert., Tabularia tabulata (C. Agardh) Snoeijs, Cylindrotheca closterium (Ehrenb.)
Reimer et F.W. Lewis, Surirella striatula Turpin, Arthrospira meneghiniana (Zanardini ex Gomont) W.B. Crow, D. salina. Однако только последний из указанных видов оказался
самым лабильным и развивался в эфемерных водоемах и лимане при солености 5–
320 ‰. Указаны некоторые особенности экологии найденных видов. Установлено,
что таксономическая структура водорослей эфемерных водоемов и Кл имеет сходные
черты, что позволяет судить о приспособляемости некоторых из них к условиям,
сформировавшимся в пересыхающих водоемах, и возможности их продуцирования.
The paper presents the results of long-term (2009—2015) original studies of the species composition of algae in the hyperhaline Kuyalnik Estuary and the temporary reservoirs of its coast, differing in morphometric and physicochemical parameters (salinity, temperature, and acidity). In reservoirs with water salinity ranging from 5.4—128.2 ‰, 54 species of algae from 4 divisions were recorded: Bacillariophyta — 32 species (59.3%), Cyanoprokaryota — 14 (25.9%), Chlorophyta — 6 (11.1%), and Euglenophyta — 2 (3.7%). In the estuary, where water salinity during the period of observations varied from 198 ‰ to 399 ‰, only 8 species were revealed. Among them, 6 species belong to Bacillariophyta and two species were Chlorophyta. At the salinity of 300—320‰ only the green alga Dunaliella salina Teodor. occurred; however, when water salinity increased up to 357 ‰ and higher, living cells of D. salina were not observed. In the period of the highest water (2004—spring of 2007), when water salinity varied from 49.9 to 174 ‰ sometimes decreasing up to 13— 30 ‰, 24 species of algae were recorded both in the estuary and temporal water bodies on its coast. They included representatives of Cyanoprokaryota (9), Bacillariophyta (13), and Chlorophyta (2). Rhoicosphenia abbreviata (C. Agardh.) Lange-Bert., Tabularia tabulata (C. Agardh) Snoeijs, Cylindrotheca closterium (Ehrenb.) Reimer et F.W. Lewis, Surirella striatula Turpin, Arthrospira meneghiniana (Zanardini ex Gomont) W.B. Crow, and D. salina are species with the highest physiological adaptability and rapid response to changes in the physiochemical conditions of the environment, but only Dunaliella salina was able to live in the water with a salinity range of 5—320 ‰. Some ecological features of the species found are discussed. The taxonomic structure of algae of temporal reservoirs and the Kuyalnik Estuary has some similarities. This provides evidence for the strong adaptability of some species found, and the possibility of biotechnological use of algae isolated from harsh conditions.
The paper presents the results of long-term (2009—2015) original studies of the species composition of algae in the hyperhaline Kuyalnik Estuary and the temporary reservoirs of its coast, differing in morphometric and physicochemical parameters (salinity, temperature, and acidity). In reservoirs with water salinity ranging from 5.4—128.2 ‰, 54 species of algae from 4 divisions were recorded: Bacillariophyta — 32 species (59.3%), Cyanoprokaryota — 14 (25.9%), Chlorophyta — 6 (11.1%), and Euglenophyta — 2 (3.7%). In the estuary, where water salinity during the period of observations varied from 198 ‰ to 399 ‰, only 8 species were revealed. Among them, 6 species belong to Bacillariophyta and two species were Chlorophyta. At the salinity of 300—320‰ only the green alga Dunaliella salina Teodor. occurred; however, when water salinity increased up to 357 ‰ and higher, living cells of D. salina were not observed. In the period of the highest water (2004—spring of 2007), when water salinity varied from 49.9 to 174 ‰ sometimes decreasing up to 13— 30 ‰, 24 species of algae were recorded both in the estuary and temporal water bodies on its coast. They included representatives of Cyanoprokaryota (9), Bacillariophyta (13), and Chlorophyta (2). Rhoicosphenia abbreviata (C. Agardh.) Lange-Bert., Tabularia tabulata (C. Agardh) Snoeijs, Cylindrotheca closterium (Ehrenb.) Reimer et F.W. Lewis, Surirella striatula Turpin, Arthrospira meneghiniana (Zanardini ex Gomont) W.B. Crow, and D. salina are species with the highest physiological adaptability and rapid response to changes in the physiochemical conditions of the environment, but only Dunaliella salina was able to live in the water with a salinity range of 5—320 ‰. Some ecological features of the species found are discussed. The taxonomic structure of algae of temporal reservoirs and the Kuyalnik Estuary has some similarities. This provides evidence for the strong adaptability of some species found, and the possibility of biotechnological use of algae isolated from harsh conditions.
Ключові слова
водоросли, видовой состав, эфемерные водоемы, Куяльницкий лиман, градиент солености, algae, species composition, temporary water bodies, Kuyalnik estuary, salinity gradient
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