Функціональні та семантичні особливості образу моря у творчості Дніпрової Чайки
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The period of the development of the literature of the late XIX - early XX century opens to the world some new pages of Ukrainian writers’ peculiar modernistic creation. Among them the creative talent of Dniprova Chajka stands out. Her living and artistic heritage, unlike the other writers’ heritage of this time, remains little-known for a majority of readers, just on a periphery of literary interests.
Her experimentation with genre form, style secession, peculiar art modeling of reality allow us to speak about originality and authenticity of the authoress’s creation. That’s why we should show Dniprova Chajka’s creation in a context of the particular literary period, not only study her artistic heritage in a new fashion.
Particularly, in this designated aspect, special attention is given to the realisation of marine themes in Dniprova Chajka’s cycles of prose miniatures.
Her artistic interest in marine themes is not accidental. It should be noted that better part of Dniprova Chajka’s (Lyudmila Alekseevna Wasilewska-Berezina) life was connected with seaside town Odessa (graduation from special Odessa convent school and Odessa private O. Piller’s school, work as a teacher in a private Karpova’s high school, first publication of her poems «News» and «Song» in Odessa almanac «Cornfield». «Marine pictures» is the most famous cycle of Dniprova Chajka’s poetry in prose. It became a consequence of her journey to the Crimean coast, where the authoress spent some time in a Tataric settlement Alma-Tolak (Sandy village now, in Bahchisaraysky area) and brought her a true recognition in literature.
Precisely, with this cycle of poetry in prose Dniprova Chajka witnessed the transition from civil themes and realistic problems to articulation of new aesthetic tastes, symbolization and mythologizing of what is portrayed and to the variety of psychological expressions of a distinctive attitude. Genre nature of marine scenes in the cycle is caused by the symbiosis of legend, parable and poetry signs. It creates an original poetics of prose miniatures: plot didacticism, accentuation on the single plot action, connection of different time lines (from pluperfect to future tense), text saturation with techniques of metamorphosis, symbols and metaphors, an experiment with story composition.
In this article the poetics of Dniprova Chajka’s poems from the «Marine pictures» cycle (particularly, the functional and semantic filling of the sea image) was analyzed in details. Dniprova Chajka wanted to convey the changes of mood, feelings and thoughts, without focusing on cause-effect relations of displayed events or situations. The connotations, folklore associations and symbols fulfill an important function, too.
Dniprova Chajka’s poetry in prose reflected her attitude to the world and her search for harmony in her own soul and oeuvre.
Ключові слова
genre, poetry in prose, style secession, semantic features, жанр, поезія в прозі, в стилі сецесія, семантичні особливості
Бібліографічний опис
Одеса та Чорне море як літературний простір / ред. Я. Лавський, Н.Малютина. – Білосток-Одеса: PRYMAT, 2018.