The rate of recolonization in the Mediterranean Sea following the termination of the S1-sapropel ecological crisis

Mediterranean sapropels are relics of the anaxic conditiow that rleliterowly affected the marine fauna. Following the last sapropel event, 51, recolonization conrmenced, with a reintroduction of marine species fi'om the Atlantic Ocean. By comparing modern benthic foraminiferal populations, it appears lhat the western Mediteruanean has achieved a greater degree of equ.ilibritun with the Atlantic sow'cethan has the eastern Meditemanean. Mot'eover, in the edslernMediten'anean, the south coast of the Levant Basin has attained a greater degree ofrecovery, as it is closer in line with the long shore current to the inlet source, than has the northernpart of the eastern Mediterranean. The dispersion recovet! nwdel for the Mediterranean following the last ecologic crisis ls in agreement vvith the recovery model proposedfor the Black sea.
Ключові слова
Meditemanean, ecologic crisis
Бібліографічний опис
1 International Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Geology (13-16 october 1992 Adana-Terkiye)