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Документ 16s rdna analysis of microbial communities in Danube delta region of the Black Sea(Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2016) Bobrova, Oleksandra Ye.; Kristoffersen, Jon BentDanube’s delta in the Black Sea is natural environment where river and seawater mix forming a unique ecosystem. Danube is the second biggest river in Europe and is an active transport vehicle. Bacteria are brought here from all the Europe with the river flow and get into marine conditions. Bacterial communities from the Danube River and its tributaries have been largely described (Winter et al, 2006). In this work we aimed to study bacterial diversity in the Black Sea water as well the impact of Danube river flow at their communities’ composition. We provide a comparative analysis of our samples to public data and analyze if the studied area is characterized by typical marine or river microbial inhabitants.Документ A compare of the phylogenetic reconstructions sequence results in the program mega 5 and the matlab package(2015) Vasylieva, Nataliia Yu.; Gurgenidze, Alexandra; Васильєва, Наталія ЮріївнаThe aim of the research was to compare the results of phylogenetic analysis of the nucleotide sequences of 16S RNA strains Acidobacillus ferrooxidans, which was made by the programs Mega 5 and MatLab. We used annotated in GenBank database sequences in the work. The conservative sequences were chosen for increasing the reliability level of the findings. It allowed to analyze not a genetic diversity, but a result of accuracy of the realization calculations.Документ A MOLECULAR GENETIC ANALISIS OF INTERSPECIFIC HYBRID POPULATION OF TECHNICAL GRAPE CULTIVARS(Печатный дом, 2007) Tulaeva, M. I.; Klimentieva, E.; Bocharova, V. R.; Тулаева, М. И.; Климентьева, Е.; Бочарова, В. Р.Grape is a culture which is studied extremely little. Despite of agricultural value of this plant, there is not a lot of genetic research of its inherit signs. It is connected with difficulty in studies of this object. Grape is a perennial plant, so hybridological analysis is difficult to do.Документ A MOLECULAR-GENETIC POLYMORPHISM OF GRAPE CLONES AND CULTIVARS(Печатный дом, 2009) Zadorogna, K. V.; Bocharova, V. R.Grape is perennial, vegetatively-multiplied plant. Grape has many forms, which have been formed as a result of selection though the ages. Most of long vegetative cultivars have produced heterogeneous populationДокумент A new species of Myrmozercon Berlese (Acari: Mesostigmata: Laelapidae) associated with an arboreal ant (Formicidae: Crematogaster) from Iran(2017) Joharchi, Omid; Arjomandi, Elham; Trach, Viacheslav A.; Трач, В'ячеслав Анатолійович; Трач, Вячеслав АнатольевичThis paper reports on a new species of mite of the genus Myrmozercon Berlese, 1902 associated with arboreal ants in Iran – Myrmozercon brachytrichos n. sp. was collected in association with Crematogaster inermis Mayr (Formicidae) in Alborz province, Iran. This new species is described and illustrations provided.Документ ABOUT FAUNA OF COLEOPTERA ON THE SAND SPITS IN THE NORTH-WESTERN PART OF THE BLACK SEA SHORE(Печатный дом, 2009) Trach, Viacheslav A.; Трач, В'ячеслав Анатолійович; Трач, Вячеслав АнатольевичOne of the components, which coditions landscape diversity of the South of Ukraine, is send spits - the deposition landform found off coasts. Send spit (or peresyp) is a narrow strip of land dividing estuaries or lakes from the sea. That land has poor but very peculiar flora and faunaДокумент ACTIVITY OF ANTIOXIDIZING ENZYMES IN TISSUES OF RATS AT DESIGN OF ALLOXANIC DIABETES(Печатний дом, 2011) Danilova, A. O.; Chernya, N. N.; Diakonu, O. O.; Vorobyova, O. G.The changes of power status of cells which are related to activity of enzymes of Krebs cycle have an important value in pathogeny of row of diseases. Major among them is catalase (K), superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione reductase and glutathione peroxidase. Among oxide reductases of respiratory chain, that participate in the transfer of electrons and hydrogen, flavine proteides have a large value. Their main function is a transfer of electrons (hydrogen) in the oxidationreduction chain from NADH and succinic acid to the histohematins.Документ Adhesive activity of Lactobacilli and lactic acid cocci(2019) Deineha, О. V.; Vasylieva, Nataliia Yu.; Strashnova, Iryna V.; Sashchuk, О. V.; Васильєва, Наталія Юріївна; Страшнова, Ірина ВалентинівнаLactic acid bacteria belong to human useful microbiota and has a great practical significance of its life. Lots of probiotics are based on the use of lactic acid bacteria or lactic acid cocci [4, 6]. Positive effect from probiotics indirectly due to direct or indirectendogenous floraand the immune system modulation. In this case, the direct contact of the probiotic culturewith active epithelial cells terminalis the necessary condition of macroorganismniche. Studies have shown that lactic acid bacteria are in contact with epithelial cells and induces the eRNA of some genes. A clear correlation had shown increased expression between eRNA and extracellular secretion of mucin [3, 7].This fact explains the probability of inhibition, with different probiotic strains (such as Lactobacillus) epithelial adhesion to pathogenic bacteria, namely enteroinvasive ones E. coli [5]. Colonization of the terminal niche or contact with its wall can be achieved by various mechanisms such as adhesion, aggregation, excessive growth or constant use of probiotics.Документ ADVENTIVE PLANTS IN THE FLORA OF IVANIVKA VILLAGE AND ADJACENT TERRITORIES(Печатный дом, 2007) Petrenko, L.; Петренко, Л. М.Ivanivka is a district centre in Odesa region situated within the Dnister-Dnipro northern steppe physical-geographical province on the Black Sea Lowlands. It is portioned by ravines in the valley of the Big Kyjalnik river. Main type of soils are common chernozems and carbonate chernozems saline at the surface. Sand and clay are quarried at the outskirts of the village what has lead to the appearance of sand-pits.Документ Agaricomycetes півдня Правобережного Лісостепу, Злаково-Лучного та Злакового Степів України(2013) Бабенко, Оксана Анатоліївна; Ткаченко, Федір Петрович; Babenko, О. A.; Tkachenko, Fedir P.; Бабенко, О. А.; Ткаченко, Федор ПетровичПротягом 2007-2013 рр. нами виявлено 103 види агарикоїдних макроміцетів, які належать до 51 роду, 20 родин, 3 порядків (Agaricales, Boletales і Russulales) з класу Agaricomycetes. У статті наведений список видів грибів, розподілених за основними екотопами території. Проведено таксономічний аналіз, розподіл за екологотрофічними групами, визначення пропорції і таксономічних індексів мікобіоти. Досліджена подібність видового складу макроміцетів різних екотопів. Показано флористичну новизну видів для Північно-Західного Причорномор’я та степової зони України.Документ Agrobacterium vitis genom(Печатный дом, 2012) Lyshchenko, N. S.Agrobacterium are Gram-negative, motile, soil-dwelling plant pathogens with the species name given based on the disease phenotype associated with the bacteriaДокумент Alanine aminotransferase in rats under conditions of hypoxia with the introduction of the metabolites of nicotinic acid(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2017) Lupashko, K.; Sahiienko, V.; Sliusar, D.; Kokoshkina, Oksana O.; Лупашко, К. И.; Сагієнко, В.; Слюсар, Д.; Кокошкіна, Оксана Олександрівна; Кокошкина, Оксана АлександровнаContent fluctuations in the activity of alanine aminotransferase during hypoxia were studied. Increase in concentration ALT activity was indicated under different conditions of hypoxia in comparison with the control.Документ Alcaligenes faecalis onu 452 as an agent of bacterial biocontrol against Rhizobium radiobacter c58(2015) Kruchanova, A.; Korotaieva, Nadiia V.; Limanska, Nataliia V.; Ліманська, Наталія Вікторівна; Коротаєва, Надія ВолодимирівнаCrown gall of dicotyledonous plants causes uncontrolled tumor formation, and is among the most damaging diseases to the rural economy. The main pathogens of the crown gall are bacteria Rhizobium vitis and R. Radiobacter. (Szegedi et al. 2005, Kawaguchi and Inoue 2009).Документ ALGAE EPHEMERAL RESERVOIRS OF THE NORTH-WEST BLACK SEA AREA(Печатный дом, 2012) Kiriushkina, A. N.; Herasymiuk, Valerii P.; Shykhalieieva, Halyna M.; Герасимюк, Валерій Петрович; Герасимюк, Валерий ПетровичThe study of ephemeral reservoirs presents some scientific interest because they essentially can be a unique environmental laboratory, which can solve various environmental problems. However, in the literature we found only one work (Gordienko, 1928), devoted to algae of puddlesДокумент ALLELOPATHICAL ACTIVITY OF PELARGONIUM LEAVES'S WATER INFUSIONS(Печатный дом, 2007) Finogenova, K.; Финогенова, Е.The study of allelopathical activity of decorative plants allows not only to determine possibilities of their application in the interiors design but also features of their influence on the different character biological tests.Документ Amixin effect on different strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa which have different abilities for biofilm formation(Odessa I. I. Mechnikova National University, 2017) Kladnitskii, V. Y.; Galkin, Mykola B.; Галкін, Микола БорисовичThe study of how tilorone in different concentrations interact with collection strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which have different ability to form the biofilm was performed. For the experiment were prepared five dilutions of tilorone 25, 50, 100, 250 and 500 mcg/ml. To determine the effect of tilorone on the biofilm formation used method for cultivation of the biofilms in the plates for cell culture, using the medium LB. The presence of the biological activity of the compounds judged by the presence of optical density difference between the experimental and control samples. The results showed that the different concentrations of test compound act differently on growth and biofilm formation of test strains Pseudomonas aeruginosa, causing stimulation or inhibition, or nothing changes at all.Документ AN EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH OF THE ACTOPROTECTIVE ACTIVITY OF THE NOVEL TIOBARBITURIC ACID DERIVATIVES(Печатный дом, 2009) Savchenko, A. V.; Onufrienko, O. V.Actoprotectors are a new class of remedies, which are able to raise mental and physical activities in normal and difficult conditions. Nowadays an arsenal of modern actoprotectors is limited. In clinical practice almost one bemitil (2-ethyltiobenzimidazol hydrobromide) is used, which possesses in addition to the mentioned effects antihypoxic, antimutagenic, immunostimulative and other characteristics. However because of the side effects, which are typical for this drug(insomnia, allergic reactions and others), it is relevant to create new medicinesДокумент Analysis of transitional waters on Ukrainian Black Sea shelf by zooplankton indicators (on the example of the Danube Delta)(2019) Kharytonova, Yuliia V.; Харитонова, Юлія ВадимівнаTransitional waters are surface water bodies near the mouths of rivers that are partially saline because of their proximity to coastal waters and are largely influenced by freshwater flows according Marine Strategy Framework Directive – MSFD (2008).Документ Anammocx bacteria detection in the deep-sea sludge layer(2015) Chaban, Mykola M.Anaerobic ammonia oxidation (ANAMMOX) with the nitrogen gas release is performed by a group of microorganisms that play certain role in the global ammonia utilization in aquatic environment anaerobic zone. They are almost impossible to isolate in pure culture. The anammox bacteria 16S rRNA ribosome research and the specific primers creation, unique sequences allocation and subsequent sequencing led to anammox bacteria classification into order Candidatus Brocadiales class Planctomycetia. After anammox bacteria discovery they were isolated around the world in different water systems and in the Black Sea in particular in 2003.Документ Anammox bacteria determination in phenol containing pharmaceutical effluents(2018) Chaban, Mykola M.Microorganisms that oxidize ammonia under anaerobic conditions (ANAMMOX) with the gaseous nitrogen release are the nitrogen cycle integral part in nature.