Перегляд за Автор "Pylypenko, Inna"
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Документ Bacillus cereus: характеристика, біологічна дія, особливості визначення в харчових продуктах(2017) Пилипенко, І. В.; Пилипенко, Л. М.; Ільєва, О. С.; Ямборко, Ганна Валентинівна; Свіржевський, О. М.; Pylypenko, Inna; Pylypenko, Liudmyla; Ilyeva, Olena; Yamborko, Hanna V.; Svirzhevskyy, O.; Пилипенко, И. В.; Пилипенко, Л. Н.; Ильева, Е. С.; Ямборко, Анна Валентиновна; Свиржевский, А. Н.Наведено характеристику, основні властивості, біологічну дію Bacillus cereus і перелік деяких харчових продуктів, які найчастіше можуть бути контаміновані цими мікроорганізмами. Охарактеризовано класичні та сучасні методи визначення Bacillus cereus. Наведено результати розробленого пріоритетного методу підготовки зразків харчової сировини і продуктів її переробки, що дозволяє визначити мікробіологічні забруднення без тривалого накопичення культур мікроорганізмів. Представлено результати прискореної індикації Bacillus cereus в харчовій рослинній сировині та продуктах її переробки. Методом полімеразної ланцюгової реакції (ПЛР) підтверджено групо-та видоспецифічність методу визначення Bacillus cereus.Документ Identification of bacillary microbial contaminants and food poisoning agents from Ukrainian plant raw materials and products(2017) Pylypenko, Inna; Pylypenko, Liudmyla; Yamborko, Hanna V.; Ilyeva, Olena; Kotlyar, Evgeniy; Babenko, Dmytro O.; Ямборко, Ганна Валентинівна; Ямборко, Анна Валентиновна; Пилипенко, Інна; Пилипенко, Людмила; Ільєва, Олена; Котляр, Євгеній; Бабенко, Дмитро ОлександровичIntroduction. The characteristics of biological contaminants occurring in plant food products, such as foodborne infections and poisonings, causative agents of spoilage, accelerated indication of potential danger to the consumer are of scientific and practical importance. Materials and methods. A row of widespread and industrially grown kinds of vegetables, fruits, berries and a number of canned and dried products and spices were investigated. Morphological, cultural and biochemical properties of the isolated cultures were studied by conventional methods. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed using groupspecific and species-specific primers to bacillary sequences with electrophoresis of PCR products in 1.5% agarose gel. Results and discussion.Bacillary microbial contaminants and potential causative agents of food poisoning and food spoilage, which are common in industrially processed types of vegetable raw materials (vegetables, fruits, berries and products of their processing) in Ukraine, have been investigated. The dominance of the subtilis-licheniformis morphotypes of the order Bacillales among the detected rod-shaped spore-forming microorganisms is a feature of the Ukrainian vegetative raw materials. The composition of microbiota of various types of vegetable raw materials and products of their processing were studied by the complex of their phenotypic and moleculargenetic properties. The long duration and potential inaccuracy of identification of aerobic and facultative-anaerobic spore-forming bacteria by the complex of their phenotypic properties has been showed. The method of preparation of food samples and PCR with group-specific and species-specific primers for speeding-up diagnostics of B. cereus, Paenibacillus polymyxa, P. macerans strains in samples have been tested. Contamination of samples of plant raw materials and products of their processing by epidemiologically significant microorganism B. cereus were examined, and showed levels from 16.7% in fresh fruits to 72.7% in spices from the total number of samples. Conclusions. The bacillary microbial contaminants were identified and a speeded up method of food samples preparation for PCR to detect regulated bacillary microorganisms that affect product safety was tested.Документ Methodology for accelerated monitoring and assurance of sanitary quality and food safety(2017) Pylypenko, Inna; Pylypenko, Liudmyla; Yamborko, Hanna V.; Danylova, Olena; Ямборко, Ганна Валентинівна; Ямборко, Анна ВалентиновнаIntroduction. The microbiological criteria that ensure sanitary quality and safety of food products, methods for identifying regulated microorganisms, and the urgency of accelerated microbiological control of food safety are characterized. Materials and methods. The methodology for assessing the safety of products and the classical and accelerated methods for determining regulated microbiological indicators that identify the presence of heat-resistant pathogens of food diseases are studied. Analytical studies are based on modern literary sources and some of own results. Results and discussion. The characteristics of microbiological criteria and requirements for microbiological safety of food products were given. Analysis of modern requirements for the sanitary safety of food has shown the need for microbiological control for the presence of heat-resistant microorganisms, which are potential pathogens of foodborne diseases. Microbial species traditionally the main assessment of their health status such as Clostridium botulinum, Bacillus cereus, Clostridium perfringens, Staphylococcus aureus were given. Characteristics of the phenotypes and genotypic properties of criterial microorganisms – potential causative agents of foodborne infections and poisonings are given. The study methodology and methods of control of regulated microorganisms showed failure and inaccuracy of their phenotypic diagnosis due to the similarity of morphological and tinctorial properties within the individual groups, the variability of a number of biochemical parameters, weak antigenicity for the immunological diagnosis, the advent of new metabolic features associated with the ability to synthesize genes toxicity by microorganisms, which were traditionally considered to be nonpathogenic, labor-consuming and durable analysis. Genotypic diagnostics of microorganisms using modern molecular genetic methods and methodologies, in contrast to the phenotypic one, ensures the accuracy of identification, the ability to monitor and predict the behavior of pathogens of foodborne infections and toxic infections in products in assessing microbiological risk, allows accelerated microbiological control of food safety, taking into account their specific features of composition and properties, is a reliable method of sanitary control. Conclusions. Molecular genetic diagnosis of pathogens is a promising accelerated method for determining food safety and is relevant especially in the Ukrainian region.Документ Safety and toxin-producing ability of bacillary microbiota of Ukrainian plant raw materials and products(2018) Pylypenko, Inna; Lopotan, I. V.; Yamborko, Hanna V.; Ilyeva, Olena; Pelykh, V. G.; Ямборко, Ганна Валентинівна; Ямборко, Анна ВалентиновнаThe distinction and identification of bacilli as the representatives of the plant raw material epiphytic microbiota is a necessary step for forecasting and ensuring the safety of plant products. It allows promptly adjusting their technological processing, which ensures the accordance of food products to the international standards. Standardized methods of diagnosing the safety of food and raw materials are classical methods of food microbiology, based on the phenotypic characteristics of microorganisms, which are time-taking and not always able to diagnose the microbial toxigenic properties [1]. The analytical information about the inaccuracy of the indication of bacillary food poisoning agents, the need for preventive analysis of risks associated with aerobic and facultative anaerobic spore forming microorganisms of Bacillales order results in the urgency of their detection by accelerated modern methods.Документ Scientific bases for improvement of sanitary control of safety of food raw materials and products of its processing(2017) Pylypenko, Inna; Pylypenko, Liudmyla; Yamborko, Hanna V.; Kotliar, Yevhenii; Ilyeva, Elena; Ямборко, Ганна Валентинівна; Ямборко, Анна ВалентиновнаThe analytical monitoring of sanitary requirements for various groups of food raw materials and products of their processing according to the principles of HACCP and the complex of experimental researches on the identification of microorganismscontaminants of the order of Bacillales as an indicator of compliance of their sanitary quality and safety with Euro-integration criteria has been carried out.Документ Toxin production ability of Bacillius cereus strains from food product of Ukraine(2017) Pylypenko, Inna; Pylypenko, Liudmyla; Yamborko, Hanna V.; Marinova, I.; Пилипенко, І. В.; Пилипенко, Л. М.; Ямборко, Ганна Валентинівна; Марінова, І. І.; Пилипенко, И. В.; Пилипенко, Л. Н.; Ямборко, Анна Валентиновна; Маринова, И. И.Potential pathogens of foodborne toxic infections – bacterial contaminants Bacillus cereus isolated from plant raw materials and food products from the Ukrainian region were investigated. When determining of the proportion of isolated bacilli from the plant samples, it was established that the epidemiologically significant microorganisms of Bacillus cereus as agents of food poisoning are the second largest. The average value of contaminated samples of Ukrainian plant raw materials and processed products with Bacillus cereus is 36.2 %. The ability of Bacillus cereus strains identified by a complex of morphological, tinctorial, cultural and biochemical properties, to produce specific emetic and enterotoxins was studied. Molecular genetic diagnosis and detection of the toxin-producing ability of isolated 42 Bacillus cereus strains showed both the possibility of their rapid identification and the presence of specific toxicity genes. Multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was carried out with specific primers to detect toxicity determined of various bacilli genes: nheA, hblD, cytK, cesВ. The distribution of toxigenic genes is significantly different among the Bacillus cereus isolates from various sources. The nheA, hblD and cytK enterotoxin genes were detected in 100, 83.3 and 61.9 % of the investigated strains of Bacillus cereus, respectively. The cesB gene encoding emetic toxin was detected in 4.8 % of strains. Molecular-genetic PCR-method confirmed that all the isolated strains belong to the Bacillus cereus group, and the ability to produce toxins can be attributed to five groups. The main toxins that produce the investigated Bacillus cereus strains were nhe and hbl enterotoxins encoded by the corresponding genes of nheA and hblD. The enterotoxic type of Bacillus cereus was predominant in Ukrainian region. Studies of domestic plant food raw materials and products have confirmed the need to improve microbiological control of product safety by introducing accelerated specific diagnostics of contaminants by molecular genetics methods.Документ Детекція ентеротоксигенних Bacillus cereus у рослинній сировині(2017) Ямборко, Ганна Валентинівна; Пилипенко, Л. М.; Пилипенко, І. В.; Yamborko, Hanna V.; Pylypenko, Liudmyla; Pylypenko, Inna; Ямборко, Анна ВалентиновнаСвоєчасне виділення й ідентифікація бактерій роду Bacillus – представників епіфітної мікробіоти рослинної сировини – є необхідним кроком для прогнозування і гарантування безпеки рослинної продукції та дає змогу оперативно вносити корективи у технологічний процес консервування, а це, у свою чергу, забезпечує відповідність продуктів харчування міжнародним стандартам. У результаті досліджень розроблено методику підготовки зразків харчових продуктів і оптимізовано параметри полімеразно-ланцюгової реакції з підібраними групо- і видоспецифічними праймерами для діагностики у тестованих зразках регламентованих бацилярних контамінантів, які впливають на безпеку продукції – штамів Bacillus cereus. Полімеразна ланцюгова реакція зі специфічними праймерами nhe A F і nhe A R, підібраними до ділянки гена nhe A, підтвердила приналежність усіх тестованих штамів, виділених із рослинної сировини та консервів, до виду Bacillus cereus; розмір ампліконів становив 553 п.о. Температура 50 ºС виявилася оптимальною для відпалу праймерів nhe AF та nhe AR гена до nhe A B. cereus. Мінімальна кількість клітин B. cereus, яку можна виявити у рослинній сировині методом ПЛР, дорівнює 102КУО/мл, що свідчить про високу чутливість ПЛР.Документ Методы современной микробиологии в контроле возбудителей порчи пищевой продукции(2016) Пилипенко, И. В.; Ямборко, Ганна Валентинівна; Сергеева, Ж. Ю.; Пилипенко, Л. Н.; Pylypenko, Inna; Yamborko, Hanna V.; Serheeva, Zh. Yu.; Pylypenko, Liudmyla; Ямборко, Анна ВалентиновнаВ статье описаны потенциальные возбудители пищевых заболеваний, порчи, а также остаточной микробиоты продуктов промышленной переработки овощного сырья южных областей Украины. Проведен сравнительный анализ классических и современных методов идентификации микроорганизмов-контаминантов пищи.