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Документ Evaluation and ways to increase financial stability of the enterprise(2021) Nikola, Svitlana O.; Нікола, Світлана Олегівна; Никола, Светлана ОлеговнаIn an unstable external environment, the functioning of economic entities is characterized by difficult business conditions, increasing competition between enterprises, which leads to the deterioration of their financial condition and subsequent bankruptcy. Therefore, one of the main problems enterprises are strengthening their financial stability. The financial stability of the enterprise in the process of economic activity is determined by the size and structure of its capital [3]. The stable state of finances is formed in the process of economic activity of the enterprise. Determining it for a certain date helps to answer the question of how correctly the enterprise managed financial resources during the period preceding that date, how it used property, what is the structure of property, how much it rationally combined. If the company is financially stable, it is able to "withstand" unexpected changes in market conditions and not end up in bankruptcy. Moreover, the higher its resilience, the greater the advantages over other enterprises of the same sector of the economy in obtaining loans and attracting investments.Документ Financial stability of corporate entities in the context of strategic changes in Ukraine(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2020) Nikola, Svitlana O.; Нікола, Світлана Олегівна; Никола, Светлана Олеговна; Drozdyna, A. A.For today the Ukrainian economy is in the process of reforming due to political and economic crises. Economic conditions that require economic entities to react quickly to macroeconomic changes are also affected. Such circumstances provide for the implementation of effective mechanisms for managing the enterprise as a business entity, increasing attention to the financial management of the enterprise to ensure the financial stability of the enterprise.Документ Impact of the global economic crisis on the cryptocurrency market(2020) Nikola, Svitlana O.; Нікола, Світлана Олегівна; Никола, Светлана Олеговна; Husiev, A. O.The topic under study is relevant, as the cryptocurrency market in recent years has been characterized by a high level of demand at the level of the global economy. It should be noted that the most common cryptocurrency Bitcoin was developed in 2009, and the cryptocurrency market arose only in the early 2010 s. (after the global financial and economic crisis of 2008-2009), which shows that there is no historical retrospective of the impact of the global economic crisis on the cryptocurrency market. At the same time, since the first quarter of 2020, the world economy as a whole is in recession (a reduction in the global volume of real GDP), which has caused the global economic crisis. Research of the dynamics of the exchange rate value of Bitcoin as the main cryptocurrency in 2020, as well as the dependence of demand in the cryptocurrency market from the stage of the economic cycle and other macroeconomic factors is the purpose of these theses.Документ Improvement of economic mechanim for regulation of enterprise activity in the "Green economy" development area(2019) Sadchenko, Olena V.; Nikola, Svitlana O.; Zalyubinska, Lyudmyla M.; Садченко, Олена Василівна; Нікола, Світлана Олегівна; Залюбінська, Людмила МиколаївнаMarket mechanisms of the functioning of the economy as a set of levers used in the management system, requires in-depth theoretical developments on the basis of objective economic patterns and the introduction of real commodity-money relations, taking into account environmental components. An important point is the regulation of entrepreneurship based on the improvement of the economic mechanism. The accelerated growth of the population of the planet caused a general increase in anthropogenic load on the biosphere, bringing it in some cases to a critical level. Waste human life and production have become the cause of almost universal pollution of air, water and soil. The gradual change in environmental pollution and the depletion of natural resources has led to a process of changing (deteriorating) the quality of the environment. As a result, there was a threat of irreversible degradation of the natural environment, when the growth of people's needs and the need to provide life to a growing population were in conflict with natural environmental constraints. It became clear that society, guided by the concept of sustainable development, should pay particular attention to the creation of zones (areas) of the "green economy", where local, state and global problems of preserving the natural potential of the territory, which may consist of several such zones, will be addressed. The adverse effects on the population of possible changes in the environment in real ecosystems always contribute to the emergence of zones of environmental risk, and in consequence, and areas of environmental disaster.Документ Influence of European experience on the formation of the strategy of innovative renewal of the Ukrainian economy(2020) Dobychina,Y.; Nikola, Svitlana O.; Нікола, Світлана Олегівна; Никола, Светлана ОлеговнаThe introduction of financial innovations has always been focused on effective management of financial resources and risks in order to ensure development, competitiveness, and financial stability in conditions of economic instability. Thus, before considering the possibilities of practical applications of innovations in the field of finance in Ukraine, it is necessary to outline the main problem areas of the domestic financial system.Документ Internal audit of activity results at enterprises of hotel and restaurant business(2019) Arsenyev, Yuri; Potemkin, Leonid; Filyppova, Svitlana; Bratus, Hanna; Nikola, Svitlana O.; Нікола, Світлана Олегівна; Никола, Светлана ОлеговнаThe method of internal audit of activity results of enterprises of hotel and restaurant business is improved, providing an integral system of information management about the received incomes, incurred expenses and the formed financial results by types of services, allocated levels of audit, centers of responsibility with the use of these audit procedures. One of the important elements of internal audit, which makes it possible to audit the activity results, is the use of forms of internal reporting: audit of the formation of the cost of goods sold in the restaurant and provided hotel services; audit-accumulative information on the cost of turnover of the restaurant unit and information on internal audit of income from the sale of goods in the restaurant and income from the provision of hotel services. The application of reporting forms and the procedure for dealing with them consists in the formation of a qualitatively new information support, which enables to react promptly to changes in the activities of enterprises of hotel and restaurant business.Документ Main problems and prospects of development of financial relations of enterprises in Ukraine(2020) Nikola, Svitlana O.; Нікола, Світлана Олегівна; Никола, Светлана ОлеговнаIn today's transition economy, the basis for the successful operation of enterprises is the stability of their financial relations, which are reflected in the various cash flows between the state and economic entities, between regions and individual states. Each company must provide a sufficient amount of financial resources and their location, in which it would consistently maintain the ability to meet its financial obligations to business partners, the state, owners, employees. In this regard, it is objectively necessary to study the main problems and prospects for the development of financial relations of enterprises in Ukraine. Stability in the financial sector of the state is an important prerequisite for economic development and growth of social welfare.Документ Modelling Buying Demand in the Tourism Industry based on Machine Training Methods(2019) Tkach, Viktoriya; Pavlenchyk, Anatolii; Sadchenko, Olena V.; Nikola, Svitlana O.; Drozdova, Valeriia; Davydenko, Iryna; Садченко, Елена Васильевна; Садченко, Олена Василівна; Никола, Светлана Олеговна; Нікола, Світлана ОлегівнаThe business processes of companies in the tourism industry lend themselves well to formalization and, consequently, computer automation. This study focuses on the process of creating a demand forecast model for a travel agent based on data mining algorithms. The program code was developed in the Anaconda development environment, which allows to process the initial data and to give the prediction results for two indicators of MAE and program accuracy. The program code is designed to improve the performance of the entire system by selecting the correct functions.Документ Modern tools of business promotion(2021) Nikola, Svitlana O.; Нікола, Світлана Олегівна; Никола, Светлана ОлеговнаDynamic changes in the environment lead companies to find relevant ways to increase their profitability, product competitiveness. One of the ways to adapt to change is to actively promote your own products, to establish close ties with your customers. Among modern and innovative tools are branding, franchising, merchandising, Internet marketing and others. The use of these tools in the marketing strategies of the enterprise helps to improve their image, increase consumer awareness, increase their confidence in products, which increases profitability.Документ Problems of insurance business development in modern conditions(2021) Nikola, Svitlana O.; Нікола, Світлана Олегівна; Никола, Светлана ОлеговнаIn modern conditions, the development of insurance business is becoming one of the strategic directions of socio-economic policy of the state, as the insurance industry makes a significant contribution to economic growth and is designed to ensure a high level of activity. According to the Concept of long-term socio-economic development of Ukraine until 2020, insurance should promote the formation of an effective pension system, improve risk management of financial markets, development of small and medium-sized businesses, protection of the rights of policyholders. However, the difficult economic situation, falling stock markets, unfavorable forecasts of experts on the income of both individuals and legal entities indicate a possible weak growth in insurance premiums. The effective functioning and progressive development of the insurance system largely depends on the diversity and harmonious interaction of the subjects of the insurance business. It should be noted that in recent years there has been the introduction of the position of insurance as an integral and significant part of the financial system, but the problem of improving the efficiency of the insurance business is acute.Документ Prospects for market development and improvement banking services in Ukraine(2021) Nikola, Svitlana O.; Нікола, Світлана Олегівна; Никола, Светлана ОлеговнаThe main task of the banking market is increasing banks incomes and improving customer satisfaction, expanding their purchasing power, which in turn, in turn, will contribute to the development of the national economy. Therefore, we will analyze current trends in the development of the banking services market in Ukraine to find the main directions of its improvement.Документ Shadow sector of the economy in Ukraine and ways to solve this phenomenon(2020) Nikola, Svitlana O.; Нікола, Світлана Олегівна; Никола, Светлана ОлеговнаThe research topic is relevant, because today the problem of the shadow economy is present in almost all countries. The functioning of the shadow sector of the economy in Ukraine leads to a significant reduction in the financial resources of the state, increasing the tax burden, reducing the investment attractiveness of the country, the degradation of the budget system.Документ State of innovative development of Ukraine and features of introduction of new forms of innovative development(2021) Drozdyna, A. A.; Nikola, Svitlana O.; Нікола, Світлана Олегівна; Никола, Светлана ОлеговнаScience and technology achievements determine not only the dynamics of economic growth, but also the level of the state competitiveness in the world community. In the developed countries the tendency of development of high-tech goods and services has been growing from year to year. It cannot be said that this process is not observed in Ukraine at all, but its growth is slowing down. Despite the great availability of scientific and intellectual potential, our country does not worsen its indicators in the field of innovation, but does not increase them. Throughout the period of independence, Ukraine has failed to build an efficient economy based on knowledge, discovery and innovation. In general, this was due to inefficient and unreasonable actions of the authorities and due to non-implemented measures on innovation policy.Документ Trends in the development of insurance companies in the securities market in Ukraine and in the world(2021) Nikola, Svitlana O.; Volkova, Marharyta S.; Нікола, Світлана Олегівна; Волкова, Маргарита СергіївнаCompanies from life-insurance are important participants in the financial market, which ensure the attraction and accumulation of investment resources as a significant source of financing the country’s economic growth. The market of insurance services is closely linked to the capital and securities market. Investment activity plays a significant role in improving the efficiency of functioning of any financial institute.Документ Актуальні питання розвитку фінансових відносин підприємств в умовах перехідної економіки(2019) Нікола, Світлана Олегівна; Колеснікова, Ольга Геннадіївна; Никола, Светлана Олеговна; Nikola, Svitlana O.Розкрито важливість фінансових відносин підприємств та розглянуто актуальні питання розвитку фінансів підприємства з урахуванням умов сучасної перехідної економіки. Узагальнено головні проблеми підприємства в Україні та запропоновано шляхи її вирішення. Та наведено пропозиції щодо подальшого розвитку фінансових відносин підприємств.Документ Актуальні проблеми соціально-правового захисту осіб з інвалідністю в Україні(2020) Боровщук, К. І.; Нікола, Світлана Олегівна; Никола, Светлана Олеговна; Nikola, Svitlana O.Вирішення в Україні всього комплексу проблем людей з інвалідністю (соціальних, правових, економічних, політичних, соціально-побутових, соціально-психологічних) вимагає створення умов для їх повноцінного життя, ‒ тим більше, що питома вага таких людей в загальній чисельності населення з кожним днем зростає. Варто зазначити, що особам з інвалідністю важко проходити необхідний згідно діючого законодавства повторний медичний огляд. Адже в Україні рівень медичного обслуговування переважної частки населення є значно нижчим за діючі європейські стандарти; існує досить велика кількість недостатньо компетентних медичних працівників, які, користуючись своїм службовим становищем, вимагають неправомірну вигоду від осіб, які бажають отримати певні довідки чи висновок МСЕК.Документ Анализ действующей системы мотивации природопользования в Украине(2016) Никола, Светлана Олеговна; Nikola, Svitlana O.; Нікола, Світлана ОлегівнаПроведен анализ мотивационных подходов к рациональному использованию природных ресурсов и охраны окружающей среды. Проанализирован налоговый кодекс, а также доходный и расходный разделы государственного бюджета с позиции экологических платежей и расходов на природопользование как стимулов мотивации субъектов хозяйственной деятельности.Документ Аналіз динаміки лідерства світової резервної валюти в сучасних умовах(2019) Нікола, Світлана Олегівна; Широкова, Аліса Олександрівна; Никола, Светлана Олеговна; Nikola, Svitlana O.У даній статті ставиться задача визначити, що розуміється за світовою резервною валютою, яка з валют провідних країн світу займає лідируючи позиції як резервна. Проаналізовано боротьбу трьох провідних валют світу: долар, євро та юаня. Досліджено здатність валют що входять до валютного кошика SDR зайняти провідни позиції у світовій економіці. Визначено та узагальнено основні тенденції у міжнародних валютних ресурсах.Документ Аналіз угод злиттів та поглинань в Україні в умовах євроінтеграції(2020) Нікола, Світлана Олегівна; Никола, Светлана Олеговна; Nikola, Svitlana O.Фундаментальні фактори у вигляді нестабільної політичної ситуації в Україні, висока волатильність курсу гривні, ймовірність повномасштабного військового конфлікту та внутрішня нереформованість виконавчої та судової влади, створюють занадто велику кількість ризиків для іноземних інвесторів. Так, згідно даних звіту аудиторської компанії «KPMG», в Україні в 2018 році з 80 угод злиття і поглинання 25 було укладено за участю іноземних інвесторів, 11 з яких вперше інвестували в Україну [1]. Це угоди, які проходять публічно та декларуються перед суспільством та державою; крім того, існує тіньовий ринок угод злиття і поглинання. За даними цього ж звіту, у 2018 році лише в 46% усіх угод злиття і поглинання була оголошена вартість, що в свою чергу зменшує рівень прозорості усього ринку взагалі.Документ Антимонопольна політика України. Відповідальність за порушення антимонопольного законодавства: юридичний та економічний аспекти(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2018) Шевченко, М. Г.; Нікола, Світлана Олегівна; Никола, Светлана Олеговна; Nikola, Svitlana O.Монополія це такий тип будови ринку, в якому існує тільки один продавець певного товару. Підприємство чи інше утворення, що займає монопольне становище на ринку називається монопольне утворення.