Лінгвістичні та мовні конфлікти: глобальні та локальні тренди
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У статті здійснено спробу типологізації лінгвістичних конфліктів в Україні. Надано характеристику глобальних конфліктогенних трендів, що обговорюються в соціальних мережах та у медіапросторі: дописи в соціальних мережах стають матеріалом досліджень для лінгвістів та конфліктологів. Висвітлено ознаки найбільш поширених конфліктогенних ситуацій в українському середовищі. Визначено особливості сучасних лінгвістичних конфліктів, які зазвичай спричинені нововведеннями на законодавчому рівні щодо мовної політики в країні. Лінгвістичні конфлікти є гібридними, бо містять багато складників та зумовлені різними причинами, але тісно пов’язаними між собою. Лінгвістичними конфліктами ми вважаємо конфлікти, об’єктом яких стає саме мовна політика, зокрема реформування мови, правове врегулювання лінгвістичної проблематики, на відміну від мовних (мова як засіб ескалації конфлікту) та комунікативних (розуміння та інтерпретації) конфліктів. Типологія таких конфліктів може виглядати умовно як така, що містить перелік найбільш нагальних лінгвістичних питань, що обговорюються в соціальних мережах та масмедіадискурсі. Серед таких конфліктів можна виокремити орфографічні, орфоепічні, стилістичні, етикетні, аксіологічні та ідеологічні, між якими дуже часто важко зробити чітку межу, адже гібридність їх виявляється також у додаванні до головного предмету конфліктного обговорення інших питань. На відміну від мовних конфліктів, де саме певні мовні засоби та стратегії є причиною ескалації конфлікту та проявів агресії, в лінгвістичних конфліктах ми маємо справу з суперечкою, об’єктом якої постають лінгвістичні проблеми, як-от: фемінітиви, правопис, вибір мови спілкування, вимова тощо. Нейтралізувати такі конфлікти може допомогти, як продумана мовна політика, так і узгоджені дії щодо примирення всіх сторін, пошуки консенсусу, бо саме такі методи є спільними для всіх різновидів конфліктів.
The article attempts to typologize linguistic conflicts in Ukraine. Liberalization of public life, the proclamation of freedom of speech, and the spread of Internet communication have become factors which intensify language conflicts. Language conflicts have existed since ancient times, but today they have become hybrid and global. The concepts of "hate speech", "grammar nazi", "language ombudsman", "language patrol", etc. have appeared, so the problem of needing to limit legal methods of language aggression, slander, insults, etc. is especially acute. The characteristics of global conflict-generating trends are discussed in the article. Languages and linguistics problems are discussed in social networks, and then moved to the media space: posts on social networks become research material for linguists and conflictologists. Signs of the most common conflict situations in the Ukrainian environment are highlighted as well in this paper. The peculiarities of modern linguistic conflicts, which are usually caused by innovations at the legislative level regarding language policy in Ukraine, are identified. Linguistic conflicts are hybrid, because they contain many components and are caused by factors that are different yet closely related. These new, specific linguistic conflicts are conflicts whose object is language policy, in particular language reform, legal settlement of linguistic issues, as opposed to language conflicts (language as a means of escalating conflict) and communicative conflicts (conflict of understanding and interpretation). The typology of such conflicts may seem conditional, as it contains a list of the most common linguistic issues discussed in social networks and mass media discourse. In discussing problematic issues of language policy, the Internet community illustrates diametrically opposed views, such as: support, approval of government innovations, sharply critical assessment of certain statements by government officials, negative attitude towards measures initiated by the government, and so on. Among such linguistic conflicts we can distinguish spelling, orthoepic, stylistic, etiquette, axiological and ideological, between which it is often difficult to draw a clear line, because their hybridity is also manifested in the addition of other issues to the subject of conflict discussion. In contrast to language conflicts, where certain language tools and language strategies are the cause of escalating conflict and aggression, in linguistic conflicts we are dealing with a dispute that raises linguistic issues, such as the introduction of femininities, spelling reform, restrictions choice of language of communication, orthoepic norms, etc. For example, linguistic-axiological conflicts are related to the requirements of political correctness, which has spread to all European countries from the United States. It is possible that the reason for promoting political correctness is the unwillingness of politicians, public figures, and commercial organizations to lose part of their electorate or clientele due to the use of incorrect expressions. There are many opponents of this trend, both among Americans and among European society. Both well-thought-out language policy and concerted action to reconcile all parties and seek consensus can help neutralize such conflicts, because such methods are common to all types of conflicts.
The article attempts to typologize linguistic conflicts in Ukraine. Liberalization of public life, the proclamation of freedom of speech, and the spread of Internet communication have become factors which intensify language conflicts. Language conflicts have existed since ancient times, but today they have become hybrid and global. The concepts of "hate speech", "grammar nazi", "language ombudsman", "language patrol", etc. have appeared, so the problem of needing to limit legal methods of language aggression, slander, insults, etc. is especially acute. The characteristics of global conflict-generating trends are discussed in the article. Languages and linguistics problems are discussed in social networks, and then moved to the media space: posts on social networks become research material for linguists and conflictologists. Signs of the most common conflict situations in the Ukrainian environment are highlighted as well in this paper. The peculiarities of modern linguistic conflicts, which are usually caused by innovations at the legislative level regarding language policy in Ukraine, are identified. Linguistic conflicts are hybrid, because they contain many components and are caused by factors that are different yet closely related. These new, specific linguistic conflicts are conflicts whose object is language policy, in particular language reform, legal settlement of linguistic issues, as opposed to language conflicts (language as a means of escalating conflict) and communicative conflicts (conflict of understanding and interpretation). The typology of such conflicts may seem conditional, as it contains a list of the most common linguistic issues discussed in social networks and mass media discourse. In discussing problematic issues of language policy, the Internet community illustrates diametrically opposed views, such as: support, approval of government innovations, sharply critical assessment of certain statements by government officials, negative attitude towards measures initiated by the government, and so on. Among such linguistic conflicts we can distinguish spelling, orthoepic, stylistic, etiquette, axiological and ideological, between which it is often difficult to draw a clear line, because their hybridity is also manifested in the addition of other issues to the subject of conflict discussion. In contrast to language conflicts, where certain language tools and language strategies are the cause of escalating conflict and aggression, in linguistic conflicts we are dealing with a dispute that raises linguistic issues, such as the introduction of femininities, spelling reform, restrictions choice of language of communication, orthoepic norms, etc. For example, linguistic-axiological conflicts are related to the requirements of political correctness, which has spread to all European countries from the United States. It is possible that the reason for promoting political correctness is the unwillingness of politicians, public figures, and commercial organizations to lose part of their electorate or clientele due to the use of incorrect expressions. There are many opponents of this trend, both among Americans and among European society. Both well-thought-out language policy and concerted action to reconcile all parties and seek consensus can help neutralize such conflicts, because such methods are common to all types of conflicts.
Ключові слова
мовний конфлікт, лінгвістичний конфлікт, мовна політика, глобальні тренди, локальна мовна специфіка, language conflict, linguistic conflict, language policy, global trends, local language specifics
Бібліографічний опис
Прикладна лінгвістика на Півдні України: здобутки і перспективи : кол. монографія / ОНУ ім. І. І. Мечникова; наук. ред. Н. В. Кондратенко. – Одеса; Вінниця: ТВОРИ, 2022.