Monetary policy as a lever of anti-crisis regulation of the national economy

dc.contributor.advisorKriuchkova, Nataliia M.en
dc.contributor.advisorКрючкова, Наталія Михайлівнаuk
dc.contributor.authorLi, Jinxiaen
dc.contributor.authorЛі, Цзіньсяuk
dc.description.abstractStabilization of the country’s economy is ensured by the use of macroeconomic regulation means by the state. The main ones are the improvement of an effective monetary policy and appropriate monetary mechanisms used to systematically influence the macroeconomic indicators of the country’s socio-economic development. The government is designed to implement a number of relevant measures for macroeconomic regulation, based on European experience, in order to level the inefficiency of public spending, optimize taxation of business entities and create favorable conditions for the business environment. The problem is that the study of monetary policy in periods of economic change requires taking into account not only the basic principles of macroeconomics, but also the study of the causes and consequences of these changes. Such requirements make it difficult to determine the direction of monetary policy, since every decision made at the macro level requires improvement in accordance with specific conditions. The use of monetary policy instruments should take into account the real state of the economy, since otherwise the consequences of changes will not be predicted not only in the long, but also in the short terms. In addition, monetary policy objectives should be consistent with tax and budget functions.en
dc.identifier.citationLi Jinxia. Monetary policy as a lever of anti-crisis regulation of the national economy / Jinxia Li // Збірник тез доповідей студентів, аспірантів та здобувачів – учасників 80-ї звітної конференції Одеського національного університету імені І. І. Мечникова (присвячується 159-й річниці університету). Секція економічних і правових наук (Одеса, 23–25 квіт. 2024 р.) / відп. ред. О. В. Побережець ; ред. кол.: О. І. Донченко, Є. І. Масленніков, А. Л. Святошнюк та ін. – Одеса : Олді+, 2024. – С. 227–229.en
dc.publisherОлді плюсuk
dc.subjectmonetary policyen
dc.subjectanti-crisis regulationen
dc.subjectmacroeconomic regulationen
dc.subjectmonetary mechanismsen
dc.subjectmonetary policy instrumentsen
dc.subjectmonetary leversen
dc.subjectmonetary policy ruleen
dc.titleMonetary policy as a lever of anti-crisis regulation of the national economyen
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