Optimizing the Income of a Crewing Company

The article analyzes the status, trends and prospects of the development of the world labor market in the field of the maritime fleet, which makes it possible to determine that for this particular segment, characterized by stable dynamic development in the presence of significant reserves. The theoretical and practical aspects of formation and development of the market of crewing services in Ukraine are also covered. The paper considers such an important task as the selection of the optimal crew for ships’ shipowners in order to maximize the income of the crewing company. The economic-mathematical model of optimization of the process of selection of crews of ships was constructed. In this case, the crewing company, which has completed the work on selecting the optimal crew, receives income as a percentage of the remuneration chosen through the model of the crew for the first month of his work. The more qualified this crew, the greater the income will receive a crewing company.
Ключові слова
maritime labor market, crewing company, selection of personnel, economic and mathematical modeling
Бібліографічний опис
CEUR Workshop Proceedings