The results of the investigation of nearshore lakes of the Adriatic and Black Seas
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Along the shores of the Black Sea (Ukraine) and the Adriatic Sea (Albania) lakes of various
origin are widely spread: lagoons, limans, riases, etc. On the coastal territory of Albania their
number is around 20 with the total area of 152 km2, on the territory of Ukraine - around 150,
with the total area being 5 524 km2. In Albania lagoons prevail, and in Ukraine limans, with
greater genetic variety of shore lakes. According to the difference in geological history, natural
evolution, climate, modern morphology and dynamics of the coastal zone, total relief features
and other conditions, differences in the nature of lagoon and limanic systems were also
observed and measured. They are found in the origin and development of the bottom, composition
of water, and nearshore lake barriers. The process of liman formation on the Black
Sea coast consisted in the ingression of the sea water in the nearshore lowering of the indigenous
relief, after which barriers of various origin appeared; on the Albanian coast at first
there appeared barriers which in the process of formation separate aquatoria of lagoons
from the sea. The abundance of sediments in the coastal zone of the Adriatic Sea favours prevailing
of accumulative processes and shoreline growth, including the majority of barriers.
On the Black Sea the acute deficit of sediments causes the shoreline retreat and breaking of
the liman barriers.
In Ukraine economic development of nearshore lakes is stronger. In Albania lagoons are
used for fish breeding, extraction of salt, in agriculture, as units for tourism and recreation.
In Ukraine these kinds of development also take place, but they are more intensive. Besides,
nearshore lakes are used as a source of mineral material, medicinal mud, for construction of
sea ports, for navigation, extraction of building material. As in Albania, a lot of lakes in
Ukraine are included in the territories of reserves and other protected natural systems.
Ключові слова
extraction of building material, Albania, Black Sea, Ukraine
Бібліографічний опис
5th Intern. Conference EUROCOAST Federation “LITTORAL ’2000” (Zagreb (HR)) : рroc. – Period. Biol. – 2000.