Geological and Geomorphological Factors and Marine Conditions of the Azov-Black Sea Basin and Coastal Characteristics as They Determine Prospecting for Seabed Prehistoric Sites on the Continental Shelf
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Назва тому
The Black Sea lies at the junction of three major cultural areas: Europe, Central Asia, and the Near East. The
history of primary occupation and cultural exploitation of the Black Sea basin goes back to 1.89 million years ago (Dmanisi, Georgia), as is documented by numerous
open-air archaeological sites, the frequency of which indicates a high concentration of human activity fromthe
Lower Paleolithic to the Early Iron Age (O¨ zdog˘an 2007). Comprehensive study of these sites contributes to some of the most interesting debates in European prehistory, among which are the spread of anatomically modern humans, the transition to an agricultural economy, the
repercussions of early urbanization across Eurasia, and others, which play a crucial role in enduring discussions about the impact of complex Near Eastern societies
on European societies. Fluctuations in sea level and the commensurate shrinking and expansion of littoral areas had considerable impact on the settlement pattern of prehistoric societies of the Black Sea region, and submerged archaeological landscapes are highly possible (Stanko 2007).
Ключові слова
Black Sea, Europe, Central Asia, Near East, history of primary occupation, cultural exploitation, Earth Sciences Data, Vertical earth movements and rates of vertical coastal displacement, Solid geology of the Black Sea, Bathymetry of the Black Sea, Modern coastline, Coastal geomorpho-dynamics, erosion, accumulation, Landscape regions of the northwestern Black Sea shelf, Pleistocene and Holocene stratigraphy, sediment thickness on the continental shelf, modern sedimentation rates, data sources, Post-LGM Climate, Sea Level, and Paleoshorelines, Evidence for Submerged Terrestrial Landforms and Ecology, Potential for Archaeological Site Survival, Potential Areas for Future Work
Бібліографічний опис
Late Pleistocene-Holocene Environmental Factors Defining the Azov-Black Sea Basin, and the Identification of Potential Sample Areas for Seabed Prehistoric Site Prospecting and Landscape Exploration on the Black Sea Continental Shelf. In Flemming F et al. (eds) Submerged Landscapes of the European Continental Shelf: Quaternary Paleoenvironments. / V. Yanko-Hombach, , E. Schnyukov, A. Pasynkov, V. Sorokin, , P. Kuprin, , N. Maslakov, , I. Motnenko,, O. Smyntyna: Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell- 2017. -