Global Risks of Trade and Economic Cooperation of Ukraine With Countries of the Northern American Region

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As a result of the study, it was determined that global challenges and risks hinder the development of trade and economic cooperation between countries. For Ukraine, which has been influenced by (я бы на писала which has faced geopolitical challenges) geopolitical challenges, the development of partnership with the countries of North America, recognized global economy leaders, is essential in terms of realizing national interests and defending state sovereignty. From the ability of Ukraine to anticipate and minimize the effects of negative exogenous, through methods of economic diplomacy, and especially endogenous factors, to isolate their components and identify trends, turning the challenges into opportunities, will depend on the country's economic growth and increased efficiency of trade and economic cooperation. The purpose of the article is to assess the impact of global risks on the formation and implementation of trade and economic cooperation between Ukraine and the countries of North America on the basis of methodological approaches of leading international economic institutions and organizations. Critical for its possible consequences for Ukraine is the protectionist US global policy, cyberattacks, disinvestment of capital due to political instability, multi-directional integration intentions and steps, changes in global flows of goods and capital. The methods of scientific research that were used to achieve the goal and to solve the tasks of the article are the following: systematic structural analysis of economic processes and phenomena, method of quantitative and qualitative comparisons, table method of calculating the degree of risks influence. The scientific novelty of the results obtained is the study of the implementation of Ukraine's trade policy in relation to the countries of North America in the context of the need for its adjustment in view of the vulnerability to the influence of factors exogenous in nature. These exogenous factors are characterized by their division into global challenges and risks. The issue that was also covered in the study is which of the parties to trade cooperation will be more affected by external factors. It is substantiated that the fall in prices for food and metallurgical products, the appreciation of the dollar, which stimulates the growth of imports of North American countries, the inter-state conflict in eastern Ukraine have less impact on cooperation with the countries of North America than changes in the structure of the World economy, the initiative of the president of the United States "to turn back" business and production from abroad to the country and inconsistency of the current structure of industrial production in Ukraine with modern requirements of technological multifacetedness.
Ключові слова
trade and economic cooperation, trade policy, exogenous factors of influence, endogenous factors of influence, global challenges, global risks
Бібліографічний опис
Montenegrin Journal of Economics