Magnoliopsida середземноморського походження у флорі м. Одеси
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Наведені результати вивчення дводольних рослин середземноморського походження у флорі міста Одеси. Усього визначено та проаналізовано 246 видів з 171 роду та 57 родин, які відносяться до класу Magnoliopsida та мають середземноморське походження. Аналіз життєвих форм за І. Г. Серебряковим показав переважання в дослідженій флорі однорічних трав’янистих рослин, за системою X. Раункієра виявилося домінування терофітів (40,8 % від загальної кількості досліджених видів). Аналіз екобіоморфологічної структури показав домінування рослин мезофітної фракції флори за гігроморфою та геліофітної фракції - за геліоморфою. Серед досліджених рослин за хронотипом найбільше кенофітів, за ступенем натуралізації та адаптації - епекофітів. За господарською цінністю більше лікарських, декоративних, медоносних та харчових рослин. Співвідношення всіх досліджених показників серед археофітів та кенофітів відображає історичну спрямованість заносу рослин із середземноморського регіону.
Приведены результаты изучения двудольных растений средиземноморского происхождения во флоре города Одессы. Всего определены и проанализированы 246 видов из 171 рода и 57 семейств, которые относятся к классу Magnoliopsida и имеют средиземноморское происхождение. Анализ жизненных форм по И.Г. Серебрякову показал преобладание в исследованной флоре однолетних травянистых растений, по системе X. Раункиера наблюдалось доминирование терофитов (40,8 % от общего количества исследованных видов растений). Анализ экобиоморфологической структуры показал доминирование растений мезофитной фракции флоры среди гигроморф и гелиофитной фракции среди гелиоморф. Среди исследованных растений по хронотипу доминируют кенофиты, по степени натурализации и адаптации - эпекофиты. По хозяйственной ценности больше всего лекарственных, декоративных, медоносных и пищевых растений. Соотношение всех исследованных показателей среди археофитов и кенофитов отражает историческую направленность заноса растений из средиземноморского региона.
Odesa’s flora nowadays has 1838 species from 646 genus and 134 families. Magnoliopsida has 1301 species from 539 genus and 101 families. From those plants from Mediterranean came 246 species from 171 genus and 57 families The most quantity of Mediterranean species are from families Brassicaceae, Rosaceae, Asteraceae, Fabaceae, Lamiaceae, Chenopodiaceae, Apiaceae, Malvaceae. In city’ flora there are representatives of all leading families. Mediterranean geographical province. The most species are in Brassicaceae. Semidesert character of city locations was the cause of spreading the species from Chenopodiaceae, which are characteristic for so conditions. Monotype and families with small quantity of species in city’s flora (Aquifoliaceae, Cistaceae, Hamamelidaceae, Peganaceae, Punicaceae, Zygophyllaceae) have 100 % species from Mediterranean. So 60 % of Magnoliopsida families in Odesa’s flora and approximately 30 % of genus have species with Mediterranean origin. Quantity such species put together 15 % from common and 21,5 % from quantity species in class. Between herbal and all analyzed plants, the most there are the annual herbs. Between trees and shrubs, the most are shrubs. Such spectrum of life forms concur with peculiarities of steppe zone flora, where Odesa is situated. The quantity of monocarpics approximately in 1,4 times more, then polycarpics. Life forms’ spectrums of archeophytes and kenophytes a little differ from one another. For example, rate of tree and shrubs between archeophytes and kenophytes is 19% from all species between first and 16 % - between second: rate of annuals herb plants accordingly 45% and 50 %, herbal perennials - 11 % and 15 %. Analysis life forms by Raunkier indicated prevalence terophytes (40,8% from all quantity). Hemikryptophytes are 20,7 %, phanerophytes - 23,5%, kryptophytes - 16 %. Analysis flora’ fraction in chronotype show, that kenophytes are more than archeophytes. Their ratio is 2:1. If we compare quantity of archeophytes with kenophytes in leading families, in Asteraceae it consists 1:0,6; in Brassicaceae 1:2; in Chenopodiaceae 1:1,1; in Fabaceae 1:2,6; in Lamiaceae 1:0,56; in Rosaceae 1:9. We can see, that appearance plant species from Asteraceae and Lamiaceae was more active until XV century, when Chenopodiaceae appeared in flora constantly. For families Brassicaceae, Fabaceae and especially Rosaceae entering was more active after XV cent. Many decorative trees and shrubs from last family appeared in city Thanks to introduction work of Botanical garden after Second World War. In Odessa’s flora prevails stable fraction of alien Mediterranean plants - epecophytes and agriophytes. If we comprise with plants, which appeared in Odesa from another regions of Earth, we can see that part of agriophytes from Mediterranean is the most. Nonstable fraction - ergasiophytes and ephemerophytes consists more than one third. We must indicate to large quantity of ergasiophytes - fugitives from culture, which are big as for herbal, as for trees and shrubs, For example, we can indicate Coriandrum sativum L., Calendula officinalis L., Armoracia rusticana P. Gaertn., Caragana arborescens Lam., Morus nigra L. etc. Comparison analysis of ecobiomorphs of different by chronotype groups of plants indicated predominance mesophyte fraction. Mesophyte fraction for archeophytes consists 65% from hole quantity such species and for kenophytes - 70 %. It can say as about mesophtisation of flora as about better conditions for those plants. Between heliomorphs of investigated flora, as in natural steppe zones, there are more heliophytes without accounting the time of appearing. Investigated plants has wide spectrum of many commercial properties. We had their characteristics for 24 signs. There are the most quantity of medicine, decorative, melliferous and food plants. As phytoncide, for plait, perfume, fasten of soils, insecticide are used from 1 to 5 species of plants. There are many weeds (43 species of archeophytes and 90 - kenophytes) and poison plants (13% archeophytes and 23% - kenophytes). There are twice more kenophytes than archeophytes. It indicated that appearing alien species is more active in our time. Big quantity of weeds is integral part of synantropical floras. Plants appears in flora spontaneously as seeds. Besides, increase the quantity of variants of introgressive hybridization. It helps the appearing more steady plants to condition of life, better naturalization in city conditions. Presence of many plants with useful signs is the result of conscious work by man species, which then may become wild and enlarge synantropical flora. There are many ergasiophytes too.
Приведены результаты изучения двудольных растений средиземноморского происхождения во флоре города Одессы. Всего определены и проанализированы 246 видов из 171 рода и 57 семейств, которые относятся к классу Magnoliopsida и имеют средиземноморское происхождение. Анализ жизненных форм по И.Г. Серебрякову показал преобладание в исследованной флоре однолетних травянистых растений, по системе X. Раункиера наблюдалось доминирование терофитов (40,8 % от общего количества исследованных видов растений). Анализ экобиоморфологической структуры показал доминирование растений мезофитной фракции флоры среди гигроморф и гелиофитной фракции среди гелиоморф. Среди исследованных растений по хронотипу доминируют кенофиты, по степени натурализации и адаптации - эпекофиты. По хозяйственной ценности больше всего лекарственных, декоративных, медоносных и пищевых растений. Соотношение всех исследованных показателей среди археофитов и кенофитов отражает историческую направленность заноса растений из средиземноморского региона.
Odesa’s flora nowadays has 1838 species from 646 genus and 134 families. Magnoliopsida has 1301 species from 539 genus and 101 families. From those plants from Mediterranean came 246 species from 171 genus and 57 families The most quantity of Mediterranean species are from families Brassicaceae, Rosaceae, Asteraceae, Fabaceae, Lamiaceae, Chenopodiaceae, Apiaceae, Malvaceae. In city’ flora there are representatives of all leading families. Mediterranean geographical province. The most species are in Brassicaceae. Semidesert character of city locations was the cause of spreading the species from Chenopodiaceae, which are characteristic for so conditions. Monotype and families with small quantity of species in city’s flora (Aquifoliaceae, Cistaceae, Hamamelidaceae, Peganaceae, Punicaceae, Zygophyllaceae) have 100 % species from Mediterranean. So 60 % of Magnoliopsida families in Odesa’s flora and approximately 30 % of genus have species with Mediterranean origin. Quantity such species put together 15 % from common and 21,5 % from quantity species in class. Between herbal and all analyzed plants, the most there are the annual herbs. Between trees and shrubs, the most are shrubs. Such spectrum of life forms concur with peculiarities of steppe zone flora, where Odesa is situated. The quantity of monocarpics approximately in 1,4 times more, then polycarpics. Life forms’ spectrums of archeophytes and kenophytes a little differ from one another. For example, rate of tree and shrubs between archeophytes and kenophytes is 19% from all species between first and 16 % - between second: rate of annuals herb plants accordingly 45% and 50 %, herbal perennials - 11 % and 15 %. Analysis life forms by Raunkier indicated prevalence terophytes (40,8% from all quantity). Hemikryptophytes are 20,7 %, phanerophytes - 23,5%, kryptophytes - 16 %. Analysis flora’ fraction in chronotype show, that kenophytes are more than archeophytes. Their ratio is 2:1. If we compare quantity of archeophytes with kenophytes in leading families, in Asteraceae it consists 1:0,6; in Brassicaceae 1:2; in Chenopodiaceae 1:1,1; in Fabaceae 1:2,6; in Lamiaceae 1:0,56; in Rosaceae 1:9. We can see, that appearance plant species from Asteraceae and Lamiaceae was more active until XV century, when Chenopodiaceae appeared in flora constantly. For families Brassicaceae, Fabaceae and especially Rosaceae entering was more active after XV cent. Many decorative trees and shrubs from last family appeared in city Thanks to introduction work of Botanical garden after Second World War. In Odessa’s flora prevails stable fraction of alien Mediterranean plants - epecophytes and agriophytes. If we comprise with plants, which appeared in Odesa from another regions of Earth, we can see that part of agriophytes from Mediterranean is the most. Nonstable fraction - ergasiophytes and ephemerophytes consists more than one third. We must indicate to large quantity of ergasiophytes - fugitives from culture, which are big as for herbal, as for trees and shrubs, For example, we can indicate Coriandrum sativum L., Calendula officinalis L., Armoracia rusticana P. Gaertn., Caragana arborescens Lam., Morus nigra L. etc. Comparison analysis of ecobiomorphs of different by chronotype groups of plants indicated predominance mesophyte fraction. Mesophyte fraction for archeophytes consists 65% from hole quantity such species and for kenophytes - 70 %. It can say as about mesophtisation of flora as about better conditions for those plants. Between heliomorphs of investigated flora, as in natural steppe zones, there are more heliophytes without accounting the time of appearing. Investigated plants has wide spectrum of many commercial properties. We had their characteristics for 24 signs. There are the most quantity of medicine, decorative, melliferous and food plants. As phytoncide, for plait, perfume, fasten of soils, insecticide are used from 1 to 5 species of plants. There are many weeds (43 species of archeophytes and 90 - kenophytes) and poison plants (13% archeophytes and 23% - kenophytes). There are twice more kenophytes than archeophytes. It indicated that appearing alien species is more active in our time. Big quantity of weeds is integral part of synantropical floras. Plants appears in flora spontaneously as seeds. Besides, increase the quantity of variants of introgressive hybridization. It helps the appearing more steady plants to condition of life, better naturalization in city conditions. Presence of many plants with useful signs is the result of conscious work by man species, which then may become wild and enlarge synantropical flora. There are many ergasiophytes too.
Ключові слова
флора, Одеса, життєва форма, екобіоморфа, адвентивний вид, натуралізація та адаптація, хронотип, господарська цінність, Одесса, жизненная форма, экобиоморфа, адвентивный вид, натурализация и адаптация, хозяйственная ценность, flora, Odesa, life form, ecobiomorph, alien species, naturalization and adaptation, chronotype, economical value
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