The ideological transformation of South-Eastern Europe after 2004
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The article explains the role of nationalism and liberalism in the modern ideological transformation of the post-communist countries in the South-Eastern Europe. The author emphasizes that the processes of globalization and European integration didn’t prevent a strengthening of the nationalist parties. The reasons of increasing of nationalist wave are traditional: value orientations, unsolved economic and demographical problems, crises of trust to political elites. The potential for political control depended primarily on the national identity characteristics, which were historically formed in each state: a success of transformation was associated with the degree of adaptation of the liberal-democratic ideology, the development of dissident movement in the previous phase, its support among various social groups. Thus, the following subordination of the transformation factors in order of importance can be observed: the first factor – ideological, the second – political, and the third one – economic. The essential role of external factors in the process of transformation in this context means that the Eastern European elites have to learn to adjust better to the external circumstances and try to use them in order to enhance the level of security, justice and well-being of their country.
Ключові слова
South-Eastern Europe, ideological transformation, nationalism, liberalism
Бібліографічний опис
Brusylovska O. The ideological transformation of South-Eastern Europe after 2004 / O. Brusylovska // Transformacje (Transformations). – 2016. – No. 3–4(90–91). – P. 267–286.