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Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
Розглянуті питання дослідження систематики і класифікації рекреаційно-
туристичних умов і ресурсів. Окреслено проблеми застосування ієрархічних
та фасетних класифікацій для систематизації. Запропонована мережева
систематика рекреаційно-туристичного потенціалу, базовою одиницею якої
є рекреаційні кластери. Мережева систематика рекреаційно-туристичного
потенціалу позбавлена ієрархічної організації і не поділяється на класифікаційні
рівні. Приведена методологічна схема показує співвідношення та взаємодію
головних напрямків систематизації рекреаційно-туристичного потенціалу –
компонентно-галузеву, функціональну та мережеву.
Рассмотрены вопросы исследования систематики и классификации рекреационно-туристических условий и ресурсов. Обозначены проблемы применения иерархических и фацетных классификаций для систематизации. Предложена сетевая систематика рекреационно-туристического потенциала, базовой единицей которой является рекреационный кластер. Сетевая систематика рекреационно-туристического потенциала лишена иерархической организации и не делится на классификационные уровни. Приведенная методологическая схема показывает соотношение и взаимодействие главных направлений систематизации рекреационно-туристического потенциала - компонентной, функциональной и сетевой.
Problem Statement and Purpose. The core problem of research of recreational and tourism potential (RTP) is the systematization and classification of recreational and tourist conditions and resources. The theoretical and methodological direction is focused on the substantiation of a united classification of recreational conditions and resources, and specific developments are focused on applied requests for inventory and assessment of recreational and tourist potential. General classifications are usu ally hierarchical and multilevel. Along with hierarchical classifications, the so-called facet classifications have become widespread, dividing the set of objects into facets, which do not have a mandatory methodological requirement of a single classification feature and are deprived of hierarchical organization. In recent decades, the world economy has shifted from tightly coordinated and centralized management, which forms a hierarchical multilevel «management pyramid», to more flexible network structures, the principles of network organization apply to recreational and tourism activities (RTA). The purpose of our study is to develop principles and methods of network systematics of recreational goods in accordance with the latest forms of network organization of recreational and tourist activities. Data & Methods. The development of a formalized scheme of directions of the systematics of RTP took place on the basis of a dialectical approach, which requires considering all phenomena and processes in their development, interconnection, and interdependence. With the help of a typological approach the most significant features of similarities and differences in the components of recreational and tourist potential of Odesa region are revealed. System analysis made it possible to move from the study of the functions of specific objects within an ordered system to the study of the structure of the actual recreational and tourist potential system, its interconnected elements and processes. Results. Network systematics of conditions and resources of RTA are devoid of methodological restrictions on clear order and multilevel: different types and forms of RTA require certain combinations of recreational conditions and resources, which are currently sufficiently defined and characterized. The emergence of new types of recreational and tourist activities requires the establishment of an appropriate combination of initial conditions and resources and does not require revision of the general classification of components of recreational and tourist potential. Our proposed formalized methodological scheme represents two areas of hierarchical systematics of recreational and tourist potential - component with resource components (natural- geographical, historical-cultural, socio-economic) and functional with types of recreational and tourist activities. The intersection of these two classifications of RTP shows the characteristic and typical combinations of certain resource recreational components for certain types of RTP. For these typical combinations of resource characteristics and organizational and economic forms of RTA in network structures, the concept of recreational cluster as a taxonomic unit of taxonomy and classification of recreational and tourist potential has been developed.
Рассмотрены вопросы исследования систематики и классификации рекреационно-туристических условий и ресурсов. Обозначены проблемы применения иерархических и фацетных классификаций для систематизации. Предложена сетевая систематика рекреационно-туристического потенциала, базовой единицей которой является рекреационный кластер. Сетевая систематика рекреационно-туристического потенциала лишена иерархической организации и не делится на классификационные уровни. Приведенная методологическая схема показывает соотношение и взаимодействие главных направлений систематизации рекреационно-туристического потенциала - компонентной, функциональной и сетевой.
Problem Statement and Purpose. The core problem of research of recreational and tourism potential (RTP) is the systematization and classification of recreational and tourist conditions and resources. The theoretical and methodological direction is focused on the substantiation of a united classification of recreational conditions and resources, and specific developments are focused on applied requests for inventory and assessment of recreational and tourist potential. General classifications are usu ally hierarchical and multilevel. Along with hierarchical classifications, the so-called facet classifications have become widespread, dividing the set of objects into facets, which do not have a mandatory methodological requirement of a single classification feature and are deprived of hierarchical organization. In recent decades, the world economy has shifted from tightly coordinated and centralized management, which forms a hierarchical multilevel «management pyramid», to more flexible network structures, the principles of network organization apply to recreational and tourism activities (RTA). The purpose of our study is to develop principles and methods of network systematics of recreational goods in accordance with the latest forms of network organization of recreational and tourist activities. Data & Methods. The development of a formalized scheme of directions of the systematics of RTP took place on the basis of a dialectical approach, which requires considering all phenomena and processes in their development, interconnection, and interdependence. With the help of a typological approach the most significant features of similarities and differences in the components of recreational and tourist potential of Odesa region are revealed. System analysis made it possible to move from the study of the functions of specific objects within an ordered system to the study of the structure of the actual recreational and tourist potential system, its interconnected elements and processes. Results. Network systematics of conditions and resources of RTA are devoid of methodological restrictions on clear order and multilevel: different types and forms of RTA require certain combinations of recreational conditions and resources, which are currently sufficiently defined and characterized. The emergence of new types of recreational and tourist activities requires the establishment of an appropriate combination of initial conditions and resources and does not require revision of the general classification of components of recreational and tourist potential. Our proposed formalized methodological scheme represents two areas of hierarchical systematics of recreational and tourist potential - component with resource components (natural- geographical, historical-cultural, socio-economic) and functional with types of recreational and tourist activities. The intersection of these two classifications of RTP shows the characteristic and typical combinations of certain resource recreational components for certain types of RTP. For these typical combinations of resource characteristics and organizational and economic forms of RTA in network structures, the concept of recreational cluster as a taxonomic unit of taxonomy and classification of recreational and tourist potential has been developed.
Ключові слова
рекреаційно-туристична діяльність,, рекреаційний кластер, рекреаційні блага, мережева систематика рекреаційно-туристичного потенціалу, рекреационно-туристическая деятельность, рекреационный кластер, рекреационные блага, сетевая систематика рекреационно-туристического потенциала, recreational and tourism activity, recreational cluster, recreational goods, network systematics of recreational and tourism potential
Бібліографічний опис
Вісник Одеського національного університету = Odesa National University Herald