Психологічні особливості віктимності дівчат-студенток

dc.contributor.authorКоваль, Ганна Шамілівна
dc.contributor.authorВалєєва, Аліна Рустемівна
dc.contributor.authorKoval, Hanna Sh.
dc.contributor.authorValeeva, Alina R.
dc.description.abstractПри дослідженні проблеми віктимності дівчат студентського віку через призму вікових, індивідуально-психологічних та соціально-психологічних особливостей, значний науковий інтерес викликає вибірка студенток-психологів. Це зумовлено тим, що зважаючи на майбутню професію, їм доволі часто доведеться мати справу з віктимними клієнтами. Аналіз теоретичних джерел демонструє, що на протязі навчання студентів на психологічних факультетах у ВНЗ-ах України, дослідження їх віктимності не проводяться, що і обумовлює наукову новизну і актуальність дослідження. У роботі встановлено деякі індивідуально-психологічні особливості дівчат-студенток, пов’язаних, на думку авторів, з формуванням віктимності, а також, стилями родинного виховання та відношенням до батьків.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractIn the study of the victimization problem of girls of college age through the prism of age, individual psychological and socio-psychological characteristics student psychologists group is of considerable scientific interest. This is due to the fact that despite their future profession they have to deal with victimized clients. The relevance of the study is formed by several factors. First of all, it is determined by the social and practical importance of the issues of humanization of society and in succeeding in forming a healthy, active and socially adapted personality. Secondly, the analysis of theoretical sources revealed that there are practically no studies related to the victimization of the psychologists, who by the nature of their profession have to deal with victimized clients. During the training of students of psychological faculties in universities of Ukraine, studies of their victimization level are not conducted, which determines the scientific novelty and relevance of the study. The research shows, that some individual psychological features of female students are established, which, according to the authors, relate to the formation of victimization. It has been established that the level of victimization in the group of female chemistry students is higher than that of female psychology students. Also, psychology students are mostly characterized by such qualities as: sensitivity, wide range of emotional spectrum, empathy and understanding of other people, sensitivity to the intricate life issues, which therefore determine the choice of the “person-to-person” area of work. It was discovered that the acceptance of father by the daughter occurs more often with psychologists and is based on trust. It is shown, that among students of psychology, parents are more aware of their important role in the development of the child’s personality, and consequently leave certain areas of self-development to the child. The research shows, that victimization in the group of psychology students is associated with their focus on solving practical problems, as well as with their tension, frustration, irritability. It is shown that the victimization rate is lower among those psychology students who had felt a positive attitude towards themselves from their mothers based on psychological acceptance, attention, care, help.
dc.identifierУДК 159.9
dc.identifier.citationМолодий вченийuk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseries;№ 4(68).
dc.subjectрівень віктимностіuk_UA
dc.subjectстратегії сімейного вихованняuk_UA
dc.subjectvictimization leveluk_UA
dc.subjectfamily education strategiesuk_UA
dc.titleПсихологічні особливості віктимності дівчат-студентокuk_UA
dc.title.alternativePsyhological features of vicimization of girls studentsuk_UA
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