Жінки у становленні державного піклування і громадської благодійності на європейському півдні Російської імперії (перша половина XIX ст.)
Науковий керівник
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Назва тому
У дисертації аналізується участь жінок у роботі закладів державного піклування і створенні в першій половині XIX ст. благодійних товариств на європейському півдні Російської імперії. В дослідженні розкрито передумови формування основних об'єктів добродійної практики в процесі заселення і соціокультурного освоєння південних територій;виявлено ступінь участі жінок у Приказах громадської опіки і напівофіційних добродійних
товариствах (тюремних комітетах, закладах Відомства імператриці Марії, Людинолюбного
товариства); розглянуто діяльність жіночих благодійних організацій в містах півдня імперії.
Диссертация посвящена изучению участия женщин в становлении государственного попечительства и общественной благотворительности на юге Российской империи в первой половине XIX ст. В работе проанализированы предпосылки формирования объектов благотворительной практики в процессе освоения южных территорий империи; раскрыто участие женщин в Приказах общественного призрения и полуофициальных благотворительных учреждениях; рассмотрена деятельность женских благотворительных организаций в городах юга империи.
The thesis studies the role of women in the formation of state charity and social philanthropy in the European south of the Russian Empire in the first half of the XIX century. Prerequisites of formation of the charitable practice basic objects in theprocess of socio-cultural development of the southern areas of the Russian Empire are considered and analyzed in the thesis. It was established that necessity of the fastest development of the new areas prompted the government to involve immigrants from foreign countries. As a result in 1764 an extensive Novorossiysk province was founded, where the new stream of migrants rushed in the second half of the XIX. After joining of Crimea to the Russian Empire in 1783 Slavic colonization of the future Taurian province has started. In the first third of the XIX Bessarabia and Transcaucasia were joined to the Russian Empire. It also touches upon the drawbacks in the emigrant policy of Russian autocracy, which led to the formation of poor and deprived masses within the populace in the area. In the course of time those peoples inevitably became the object of state charity and activities of philanthropic organizations. The dissertation discloses the role of women in the activities of state charity organizations, and their participation in semi-official philanthropic foundations: Simferopol Charity Committee, Prison Committees, united establishments of the Empress Mary, and Philanthropic Society. Particular attention is paid to the establishment and development of female charity organizations which were located in the biggest towns in the south of the empire: Odessa, Nikolaev, Sevastopol, Stavropol, Tiflis, Yerevan and Baku. The forms and methods of their work, sources of financing, interaction with male and mixed philanthropic societies, are shown and discussed in the thesis. Degree of women participation in organs of the state guardianship - Departments of public charity which field of activity included the state guardianship is revealed in the dissertation. Woman did not take part in the managing organs of these official authorities, but quite often they were guardians of the leading institutions of the Departments. Sometimes this status allowed them to be formally included into the number of employees of the Department as it was in the Taurian department of public charity. Degree of women participation in the semi-official charitable establishments is also revealed in the thesis. Semi-official charitable committees worked more effectively during the researched period, but their distribution was narrowly observed by the government, not desiring to release management levers of the public charity sphere. Therefore some of them did not receive license to be opened (Kherson, Bessarabian). Actively working Simferopol charitable committee differed by the mixed structure and on 50 % was presented by women. Element of public activity, despite of the semi-official character, preserved prison committees, including prisons for women. Each women prison committee (Odessa, Kerch, and Taganrog) had a wide field of activity. In a vein of authority of the imperial Philanthropic society in the middle of the XIX century the Sturdzovskaya almshouse of compassionate sisters - a female community of nurses, existed, which made a huge contribution into the support of ill people during the peace and of wounded during the Crimean war. It remarks that women of different nationalities and religious beliefs have shown themselves in the fields of philanthropy and charity, namely: R. Adling (Sturdza), E. Lazareva, R Akhlestysheva, M. Gagarina, A. Alopeus, E. Avinova, N. Griboedova (Chavchavadze), E. Dzhemardzhdzeva, V. Naitaki, and others. Charity had become the only way for these women to express their inner qualities and to realize their social ambitions. The facts and historical processes studied in the dissertation make it possible to conclude that the philanthropic activities of Russian women played an integral part in a wider historical process, characterized by the tendency to consider gender differences as a system of opposites defined as ‘male’ and ‘female’.
Диссертация посвящена изучению участия женщин в становлении государственного попечительства и общественной благотворительности на юге Российской империи в первой половине XIX ст. В работе проанализированы предпосылки формирования объектов благотворительной практики в процессе освоения южных территорий империи; раскрыто участие женщин в Приказах общественного призрения и полуофициальных благотворительных учреждениях; рассмотрена деятельность женских благотворительных организаций в городах юга империи.
The thesis studies the role of women in the formation of state charity and social philanthropy in the European south of the Russian Empire in the first half of the XIX century. Prerequisites of formation of the charitable practice basic objects in theprocess of socio-cultural development of the southern areas of the Russian Empire are considered and analyzed in the thesis. It was established that necessity of the fastest development of the new areas prompted the government to involve immigrants from foreign countries. As a result in 1764 an extensive Novorossiysk province was founded, where the new stream of migrants rushed in the second half of the XIX. After joining of Crimea to the Russian Empire in 1783 Slavic colonization of the future Taurian province has started. In the first third of the XIX Bessarabia and Transcaucasia were joined to the Russian Empire. It also touches upon the drawbacks in the emigrant policy of Russian autocracy, which led to the formation of poor and deprived masses within the populace in the area. In the course of time those peoples inevitably became the object of state charity and activities of philanthropic organizations. The dissertation discloses the role of women in the activities of state charity organizations, and their participation in semi-official philanthropic foundations: Simferopol Charity Committee, Prison Committees, united establishments of the Empress Mary, and Philanthropic Society. Particular attention is paid to the establishment and development of female charity organizations which were located in the biggest towns in the south of the empire: Odessa, Nikolaev, Sevastopol, Stavropol, Tiflis, Yerevan and Baku. The forms and methods of their work, sources of financing, interaction with male and mixed philanthropic societies, are shown and discussed in the thesis. Degree of women participation in organs of the state guardianship - Departments of public charity which field of activity included the state guardianship is revealed in the dissertation. Woman did not take part in the managing organs of these official authorities, but quite often they were guardians of the leading institutions of the Departments. Sometimes this status allowed them to be formally included into the number of employees of the Department as it was in the Taurian department of public charity. Degree of women participation in the semi-official charitable establishments is also revealed in the thesis. Semi-official charitable committees worked more effectively during the researched period, but their distribution was narrowly observed by the government, not desiring to release management levers of the public charity sphere. Therefore some of them did not receive license to be opened (Kherson, Bessarabian). Actively working Simferopol charitable committee differed by the mixed structure and on 50 % was presented by women. Element of public activity, despite of the semi-official character, preserved prison committees, including prisons for women. Each women prison committee (Odessa, Kerch, and Taganrog) had a wide field of activity. In a vein of authority of the imperial Philanthropic society in the middle of the XIX century the Sturdzovskaya almshouse of compassionate sisters - a female community of nurses, existed, which made a huge contribution into the support of ill people during the peace and of wounded during the Crimean war. It remarks that women of different nationalities and religious beliefs have shown themselves in the fields of philanthropy and charity, namely: R. Adling (Sturdza), E. Lazareva, R Akhlestysheva, M. Gagarina, A. Alopeus, E. Avinova, N. Griboedova (Chavchavadze), E. Dzhemardzhdzeva, V. Naitaki, and others. Charity had become the only way for these women to express their inner qualities and to realize their social ambitions. The facts and historical processes studied in the dissertation make it possible to conclude that the philanthropic activities of Russian women played an integral part in a wider historical process, characterized by the tendency to consider gender differences as a system of opposites defined as ‘male’ and ‘female’.
Науковий керівник: доктор історичних наук, професор ГРЄБЦОВА Ірена Світозарівна,
Одеський національний університет
імені І. І. Мечникова,професор кафедри нової та новітньої історії
Ключові слова
громадська благодійність, Відомство імператриці Марії, державне піклування, жіночі благодійні товариства та заклади, Людинолюбне товариство, Прикази громадської опіки, Бессарабська область, Кавказький регіон, Новоросійський край, благотворительность, женские благотворительные общества и заведения, государственное попечительство, Ведомство учреждений императрицы Марии, Приказы общественного призрения, полуофициальные благотворительные комитеты, Человеколюбивое общество, Кавказский регион, Бессарабская область, Новороссийский край, charity, female philanthropic societies, state charity, united establishments of Empress Mary, state charity foundations, semi-official philanthropic committees, Philanthropic society, The Caucasian region, Bessarabia, Novorussian
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