Characterisation of Ukrainian bread wheat (Triticumaestivum l.) germplasm by using microsatellite markers
Науковий керівник
Назва журналу
Назва тому
South of Ukraine has traditionally been the main grain producer of the most important grain crop -
winter soft wheat. This region accounts for about a third of the annual grain production in the country.
Scientific-based selection of soft wheat in Ukraine began about 80 years ago. During this time in
As a result of selection, the grain yield increased on average from 2.37 t / ha in 1912 - 1922 to 6.7 t / ha in the 1980s
(Lііуіпепко еі аі., 2001). The study of genetic diversity, the characterization of
using microsatellite analysis will allow for accurate identification of varieties, estimate
the level of genetic variability in the pool of Ukrainian soft wheat. Identification of the genotype of the variety
is important for registration of varieties and protection of copyrights of originators. Seed certification is also
includes identification of varieties and determination of genetic homogeneity of consignments of seeds.
Currently, one of the most effective and informative methods of studying and characterizing
genetic material is microsatellite analysis. The purpose of this work was to study
germplasm of Ukrainian wheat, the creation of a database reflecting the molecular-genetic
characteristics of soft wheat varieties T. acemum L. using microsatellite
markers. An analysis of the frequency distribution of alleles of microsatellite loci in a genetic pool
Ukrainian varieties of soft wheat.
Ключові слова
Ukraine, winter soft wheat, microsatellite markers
Бібліографічний опис
Бюллетень Никитского ботанического сада