Співвідношення доменних імен і літературних творів

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У статті аналізується співвідношення доменних імен і літературних творів. Визначено випадки кумулятивної правової охорони позначень, що відповідають даним об’єктам. Розглянуто її особливості. Обґрунтовано доцільність виділення авторського кіберсквотингу як окремого виду кіберсквотингу. Наголошено на первинності авторських прав щодо прав на доменні імена та неможливості їх порушення.
In the contemporary information society, the value of a domain name is growing day by day. Nevertheless, there is still a problem of this object legal protection as legal regulation in a domain name sphere essentially lags from practical needs. Legislation improvement, in its turn, requires an exploration of a domain name from an angle of intellectual property law. In particular, it is important to separate a domain name from contiguous concepts and to analyse its relationship with intellectual property objects. Special attention should be paid to a relationship between a domain name and copyrights objects due to the following. Since an object, which constitutes a result of creative activity, is often registered as a domain name, there is a problem of the cumulative legal protection of such an object as a domain name and a literary work. In addition, a possibility of bad faith registration and using a domain name, which contains a copyright object, is of concern. The aim of the article is to analyse the relationship between domain names and literary works through an exploration of the cumulative legal protection of the according objects and copyright cybersquatting. The article presents the analysis of the relationship between domain names and literary works. The cases of cumulative legal protection are determined; its specific is addressed. The feasibility of distinguishing copyright cybersquatting as a separate kind of cybersquatting is justified. It is emphasised that copyright rights are primary to the rights to domain names and may not be violated.
Ключові слова
доменне ім’я, літературні твори, кумулятивна правова охорона, кіберсквотинг, domain name, literary work, cumulative legal protection, cybersquatting
Бібліографічний опис
Economic and law paradigm of modern society