Stable isotopic evidence from Holocene Sea of Marmara sediments for two.waY watermass interchange between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea
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The Sea of Marmara is a gateway between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean. It preserves wiihin its
sediments a history of palaeoceanographic interactions between the two seas. This record can be elucidated by investigations of changes in sediments, foraminiferal assemblages, and oxygen and carbon isotopic comPosition of foraminiferal tests. During the low stand of sea Level of the last ice age, no marine
connection existed between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean. This connection was reestablished during the sealevel rise of the last deglaciation. Although many investigations have been conducted
on present-day oceanographic conditions of the Sea of Marmara, only one studyl has been attempted to document a history of interaction between the Aegean and Black seas using the latest Quaternary sediment record. These workers used changes in sediment facies in cores from the deep easternbasin of the
Sea of Marmara to reconstruct a history of oceanograPhic interchange between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean from the end of the Pleistocene to the present day. Based largely on the aPpearance of
organic-rich anoxic sediments, they Proposed that a two-way interchange was established across the Bosporus between 9.5 and 7.0 kyr ago, wiih changes since occuring in the relative strength of surface andbottom currents. Lane-Serffet alz developed a model that predicts changing watermass exchange across the
Bosporus sill related to the glacioeustatically-caused postSlacial connection of the Black Sea to the Mediterranean. Our investigation is the first to examine the oxygen and carbon isotopic comPosition
of planktonic and benthic foraminifera in a Sea of Marmara core to assist with understanding of the palaeoceanographic development of this gateway.
Ключові слова
Holocene, Sea of Marmara, Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea
Бібліографічний опис
South African Journal ot Science