The EU regulations as a source of private international law
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Назва тому
In today’s world, as the majority of states have been participating in integration
processes, there inevitably arise conflict of laws situations when it comes to dispute
resolutions involving private participants of different countries. This leads to a legal
problem, in the doctrine of private international law named a choice of applicable
law, specifically the question is: which country’s law is to be applied when particular
relations are simultaneously connected with different national legal systems [1,
p. 50]. As it is known, legal systems and private law of different countries differ on
many issues therefore the process of choosing applicable substantive law may pose
certain difficulties. This may to some extent be eliminated by conflict of laws rules,
albeit not always the desired outcome may be reached. Therefore the international
community, both at the global and regional levels, had always been in search of new
ways of solving the choice of law problems, eventually having realized effectiveness
of the unification of law for these purposes.
Ключові слова
integration processes, conflict of laws, different countries
Бібліографічний опис
Збірник тез доповідей студентів, аспірантів та здобувачів – учасників 76-ї звітної конференції Одеського національного університету імені І. І. Мечникова. Секція економічних і правових наук (Одеса, 22-24 квітня 2020 р.). – Одеса : Фенікс, 2020.