Римское право в свете истории ментальности
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Характер возникновения и развития права в античном мире во многом остается неясным даже при той огромной работе, которая активно ведется в этой области на протяжении по крайней мере последних двух веков. Римское право стало предметом серьезного изучения уже в школе глоссаторов в XII веке и в дальнейшем непрерывно изучалось и разрабатывалось почти во всех образовательных центрах Европы. В XIX веке в связи со стремительным развитием гуманитарных наук, прежде всего, связанных с антиковедением (общих – классическая филология, история, философия, правоведение и вспомогательных – археология, папирология, доксография, историграфия и др.), изучение римского права поднимается на небывалую высоту.
Correlation of changes in the mentality of a given society and its legal consciousness is counted among the most salient problems that legal history has been facing since at least the second part of the 20th century. There are however considerable theoretical and practical difficulties in these areas, which involve a shift of interpretative paradigm as well as a new approach to the lamentable sparse sources. In these circumstances certain possibilities for further research can be found, for instance, in studying classical forms of legal consciousness as they are reflected in such forms of activities, as these abundantly presented in Greek and Roman military literature, since, obviously, military organization and the ways of warfare involve the structures and mentality, often parallel to these in the realm of law.
Correlation of changes in the mentality of a given society and its legal consciousness is counted among the most salient problems that legal history has been facing since at least the second part of the 20th century. There are however considerable theoretical and practical difficulties in these areas, which involve a shift of interpretative paradigm as well as a new approach to the lamentable sparse sources. In these circumstances certain possibilities for further research can be found, for instance, in studying classical forms of legal consciousness as they are reflected in such forms of activities, as these abundantly presented in Greek and Roman military literature, since, obviously, military organization and the ways of warfare involve the structures and mentality, often parallel to these in the realm of law.
Ключові слова
римское право, возникновение и развитие права в античном мире, ментальность, law, mentality, legal consciousness, warfare
Бібліографічний опис
ΣΧΟΛΗ: Ancient philosophy and the classical tradition