Фазовый состав и каталитическая активность наноструктурированных материалов на основе твердой составляющей сварочного аэрозоля
Науковий керівник
Назва журналу
Назва тому
Методами рентгенофазового анализа и ИК-спектроскопии изучен фазовый состав
свежеприготовленного (СП-УОНИ) и модифицированного водой при 600С
(М-УОНИ) образцов твердой составляющей сварочного аэрозоля (ТССА), полученного
при сварке стали отечественным электродом марки УОНИ 13/55. Установлено,
что оба образца являются полифазовыми и характеризуются высокой степенью
кристалличности. В составе СП-УОНИ идентифицированы 10 индивидуальных фаз, а именно магнетит (Fe3O4 ), манганохромит ((Mn,Fe)(Cr,V)2O4), гетит
(Fe2O3 ), P-Fe2O3 H2O, оксид марганца (Mn3O4), фторид кальция (CaF2), карбонаты
калия и натрия, хромат калия (K2CrO4), силикат магния (MgSiO3) и др. После модифицирования
ТССА исчезают отражения для водорастворимых фаз, а интенсивность
отражений некоторых индивидуальных фаз заметно возрастает. С учетом
характеристик отражения (311) фазы магнетита в случае СП-УОНИ (29=35,465°;
d=2,529 А) и М-УОНИ (29=35,4180; d=2,532 А) для них б^іли приблизительно рассчитаны
величины параметра элементарной ячейки кубической шпинели: 8,3877 А
и 8,3976 А, соответственно. С применением известного уравнения Шерера оценили
размер наночастиц магнетита: 68,0 нм — СП-УОНИ и 31,5 нм — М-УОНИ. ИК-
спектры обоих образцов являются довольно сложными, что обусловлено их фазовой
неоднородностью и структурными особенностями отдельных фаз. В ИК-спектрах обоих образцов четко проявляются полосы валентных и деформационных
колебаний связей M—O и M—OH, характерныгх для оксидов металлов и шпинелей.
Результаты рентгенофазового анализа и ИК-спектроскопии свидетельствуют об
изменении структуры отдельн^гх фаз образцов при гидротермальной обработке.
Образцы СП-УОНИ и М-УОНИ проявляют защитные свойства относительно озона
при C q3 =1,0 мг/м3, однако отличаются временем защитного действия. Для
СП-УОНИ предельно-допустимая концентрация озона достигается через 600 мин,
тогда как для образца М-УОНИ время защитного действия в 10 раз меньше. Активность
образцов СП-УОНИ и М-УОНИ в реакции разложения озона зависит от
многих факторов, среди которых фазовый состав и соотношение фаз, способных
проявлять каталитические свойства в реакции разложения озона; размеры элементарной
ячейки; размер наночастиц магнетита.
The phase composition o f the samples o f the solid component of welding aerosol (SCWA), which was obtained during welding of steel by means o f UONI13/55 electrode manufactured in Ukrainian, was studied by X-ray phase analysis and IR spectroscopy; the samples being both freshly prepared (FP) and modified by water treatment at 60°C (M). It has been found that the both samples were polyphase and characterized by a high degree of crystallinity. Ten individual phases have been identified in the FP-SCWA composition as follows: magnetite (Fe3O,), manganochromite ((Mn, Fe)(Cr, У}20,), goethite (Fe20 3), P-Fe20 3 H20, manganese oxide (Mn30 4), calcium fluoride, potassium and sodium carbonates, potassium chromate (K2Cr0 4), magnesium silicate (MgSi03), etc. The most intensive reflections are observed for mixed phases. Water treatment o f the SCWA results in a disappearance of the reflections o f water-soluble phases while the reflections of some individual phases become more intense. Taking into account characteristics o f the reflection o f (311) magnetite phase for FP-SCWA (29=35.4650, d=2.529A) and M-SCWA (29=35.4180, d=2.532 A), the values of unit cell parameter for the cubic unite cells of spinel were estimated as follows: 8.3877A and 8.3976A for FP-SCWA and for M-SCWA, respectively. Using the well-known Scherrer equation, the sizes of magnetite nanoparticles were estimated, they were equal to 68.0 nm and 31.5 nm for FP-SCWA and MSCWA, respectively. IR spectra for both samples are very complicated because o f their phase inhomogeneity and structuralfeatures of certain phases. However, they contain the bands attributed to stretching and deformation vibrations o f M—0 and M—0H bonds which are typical of metal oxides and spinels. The results obtained by X-ray phase analysis and IR spectroscopy revealed some changes in the structure of certain phases as a result o f hydrothermal treatment of the SCWA. Both FP-SCWA and M-SCWA demonstrate protective properties in respect to ozone at its concentration o f 1.0 mg/m3; however, the values o f the protection action time being different. The protection action time was 600 min for FP-SCWA, whereas it was 10 times lower for M-SCWA. The catalytic activity o f the SCWAs depends on many factors, among them the phase composition, the ratio between phases which are catalytically active in the reaction o f ozone decomposition, the unit cell parameter and the size of magnetite nanoparticles.
The phase composition o f the samples o f the solid component of welding aerosol (SCWA), which was obtained during welding of steel by means o f UONI13/55 electrode manufactured in Ukrainian, was studied by X-ray phase analysis and IR spectroscopy; the samples being both freshly prepared (FP) and modified by water treatment at 60°C (M). It has been found that the both samples were polyphase and characterized by a high degree of crystallinity. Ten individual phases have been identified in the FP-SCWA composition as follows: magnetite (Fe3O,), manganochromite ((Mn, Fe)(Cr, У}20,), goethite (Fe20 3), P-Fe20 3 H20, manganese oxide (Mn30 4), calcium fluoride, potassium and sodium carbonates, potassium chromate (K2Cr0 4), magnesium silicate (MgSi03), etc. The most intensive reflections are observed for mixed phases. Water treatment o f the SCWA results in a disappearance of the reflections o f water-soluble phases while the reflections of some individual phases become more intense. Taking into account characteristics o f the reflection o f (311) magnetite phase for FP-SCWA (29=35.4650, d=2.529A) and M-SCWA (29=35.4180, d=2.532 A), the values of unit cell parameter for the cubic unite cells of spinel were estimated as follows: 8.3877A and 8.3976A for FP-SCWA and for M-SCWA, respectively. Using the well-known Scherrer equation, the sizes of magnetite nanoparticles were estimated, they were equal to 68.0 nm and 31.5 nm for FP-SCWA and MSCWA, respectively. IR spectra for both samples are very complicated because o f their phase inhomogeneity and structuralfeatures of certain phases. However, they contain the bands attributed to stretching and deformation vibrations o f M—0 and M—0H bonds which are typical of metal oxides and spinels. The results obtained by X-ray phase analysis and IR spectroscopy revealed some changes in the structure of certain phases as a result o f hydrothermal treatment of the SCWA. Both FP-SCWA and M-SCWA demonstrate protective properties in respect to ozone at its concentration o f 1.0 mg/m3; however, the values o f the protection action time being different. The protection action time was 600 min for FP-SCWA, whereas it was 10 times lower for M-SCWA. The catalytic activity o f the SCWAs depends on many factors, among them the phase composition, the ratio between phases which are catalytically active in the reaction o f ozone decomposition, the unit cell parameter and the size of magnetite nanoparticles.
Ключові слова
твердая составляющая сварочного аэрозоля, фазовый состав, разложение озона, solid component, welding aerosol, phase composition, ozone decomposition, catalytic activity
Бібліографічний опис
Вопросы химии и химической технологии