Оніричний дискурс як засіб створення фентезійного художнього світу (на матеріалі творів Макса Фрая і Дари Корній)
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У статті досліджено мовні засоби створення оніричного дискурсу у фентезійних творах українських
письменників. Особливу увагу приділено наявності або відсутності лексичних маркерів, що відмежовують
оніричний текст від основного художнього тексту. Розглянуто сюжетотвірні та текстотвірні функції
літературних сновидінь у художньому світі фентезі. Проаналізовано мовні репрезентанти оніричного дискурсу у фентезійних художніх творах.
The article deals with the language means of creating oneiric discourse in fantasy works written in Russian and Ukrainian languages. Special attention is paid to the presence or absence of lexical markers which distinguish the oneiric text from the main text. In particular, fantasy elements can contain oneiric elements with both markers – initial and final, which mark the beginning of the dream and its ending, the dreamer's awakening. Sometimes a dream is entered into the text only with the initial marker, which most often indicates the transition of the character to a different reality. In other cases, only the final marker is used (the dreamer wakes up, although it wasn’t indicated previously that he is sleeping) with the result that the preceding text is reinterpreted as a dream. Rarely, oniric elements are introduced without any markers “asleep / awake”, which creates blurring of interdiscursive boundaries and openness, polyvariability of the interpretation of the final. The article also studies plot-forming and text-forming functions of literary dreams in the fantasy art world. Writers use communicative, plot-compositional, prognostic, creative functions of dreams to create a versatile world of artwork. The oneiric elements in fantasy can be represented as a convention of the third level that covers different types of artistic reality, presented by the author to the readers in turn. The analysis of the oneiric discourse makes it possible to conclude that dreams in fantasy are not only used as a symbol, metaphor or symbol of the psychological state of the character. Oneiric elements become an equal and sometimes the main way to create the artistic reality of the fantasy world. The active introduction of the oneiric reality into the conditionally real world of the fantasy artwork is, in our opinion, a way of bringing the unreal world closer to the real world of the reader. The close interweaving of dream and conditional realities of a work of art brings fantasy closer to magical realism, in which various incredible incidents occur on the background of ordinary, understandable and rational circumstances.
The article deals with the language means of creating oneiric discourse in fantasy works written in Russian and Ukrainian languages. Special attention is paid to the presence or absence of lexical markers which distinguish the oneiric text from the main text. In particular, fantasy elements can contain oneiric elements with both markers – initial and final, which mark the beginning of the dream and its ending, the dreamer's awakening. Sometimes a dream is entered into the text only with the initial marker, which most often indicates the transition of the character to a different reality. In other cases, only the final marker is used (the dreamer wakes up, although it wasn’t indicated previously that he is sleeping) with the result that the preceding text is reinterpreted as a dream. Rarely, oniric elements are introduced without any markers “asleep / awake”, which creates blurring of interdiscursive boundaries and openness, polyvariability of the interpretation of the final. The article also studies plot-forming and text-forming functions of literary dreams in the fantasy art world. Writers use communicative, plot-compositional, prognostic, creative functions of dreams to create a versatile world of artwork. The oneiric elements in fantasy can be represented as a convention of the third level that covers different types of artistic reality, presented by the author to the readers in turn. The analysis of the oneiric discourse makes it possible to conclude that dreams in fantasy are not only used as a symbol, metaphor or symbol of the psychological state of the character. Oneiric elements become an equal and sometimes the main way to create the artistic reality of the fantasy world. The active introduction of the oneiric reality into the conditionally real world of the fantasy artwork is, in our opinion, a way of bringing the unreal world closer to the real world of the reader. The close interweaving of dream and conditional realities of a work of art brings fantasy closer to magical realism, in which various incredible incidents occur on the background of ordinary, understandable and rational circumstances.
Ключові слова
оніричний текст, оніричний дискурс, літературне сновидіння, фентезі, мовні маркери, oneiric text, oneiric discourse, literary dream, fantasy, lexical markers
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Науковий вісник ДДПУ імені І. Франка