Stratigraphy and paleogeography of the marine Pleistocene and Holocene deposits of the southern seas of the USSR
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Назва тому
A stratigraphic scheme of the Pleistocene and
Holocene, based on inferred migrations and on local
adaptative response of the benthic foraminifcral
assemblages to climatic forcing is here presented.
About 30000 samples from holes and surface
sediments collcctcd along depth transects and shore
outcrops of the Black Sea, the Caspian Sea and the
Sea of Azov represent the data-base for this study.
Quaternary benthic foraminifera (no planktonic.
form has been found ever) are represented by 165 species
and subspecies from 7 families. Most of the transformations
(or morphologic changes) interpreted as
evolutionary changes took place in the genera Ammonia,
Maye.rella, Porosononion and Elphidium.
The living benthic foraminifera arc distributed on
the shelf in the Black Sea, and in the inner shelf only
in the Caspian Sea and in the Sea of Azov. Ecologic
parameters such as salinity, water depth and temperature
were measured for each species and subspecies,
and a tentative ecologic classification of foraminifera
has been done.
The Quaternary foraminifcral assemblages are
closely related to the modem ones in their paleoecologic
and zoogeographic nature. This observation,
which involves an evolutionary transformation of foraminifera,
allows to subdivide stratigraphically the sections
considered, and allows to interpret the Quaternary
deposits of the Southern Seas of the USSR in
term of biofacies and paleogcography.
Ключові слова
benthic foraminifera, Quaternary, stratigraphy, biofacies, paleogeographic analyses
Бібліографічний опис
Mem. Sue. Ceul.