Synthesis of the IGCP 610 results: some controversies and paradoxes

As a result of many years of work in the framework of successive projects, including IGCP 521 and 610, a large set of multidisciplinary data has been accumulated. It is a time to synthesize these data. By doing this, one can see at least one fundamental problem, namely, the earth science data do not correspond to empirical ones. This may be related to logical errors in the construction of arguments and judgments, imperfection of currently available scientific methods, or insufficient accuracy of the instruments used, as well as the inadequacy of the adopted idealization, that is, an incorrect theory axiomatization. This can also be a result of the fact that some aspects of science are picked up by investigators individually despite of all efforts made by the management of IGCP 521 and 610 to integrate different areas of research. For example, geological and paleontological records indicate that during last 20 ka the Black Sea level fluctuated in a gradual but oscillating manner (Balabanov, 2007; Yanko-Hombach, 2007; Yanko-Hombach et al., 2014) while mathematical modeling shows that such fluctuations were not possible (Esin and Esin, 2014). The existence of these contradictions, called by us paradoxes, is discussed in the present paper, which encourages a new round of research that could lead to a deeper understanding of climate change theory.
Ключові слова
Caspian Sea, Black Sea, water budget, climate change, paleodata, model of random walk
Бібліографічний опис
“From the Caspian to Mediterranean: environmental change and human response during the quaternary” (2013 - 2017): international geoscience programe: proceedings of the fourth plenary conference, 2-9 October. – Tbilisi, 2016.