The Territorial Structure of the Population of Ukrainian Danube
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Editura Universitara Danubius
Междуречье Дуная и Днестра традиционно выделялось одним из наиболее благоприятных геодемографических процессов в Украине. Расселение этнонациональных групп компактными ареалами и уникальная общественно-географическая траектория, пройденная этими общностями за более чем
двухсотлетний период, обусловило формирование в регионе более высокого
демографического потенциала по сравнению с другими частями Одесской области и Украины в целом. Демографические процессы в самой большой по площади области страны достаточно хорошо изучены. Однако на этом фоне мало работ, которые ориентированы на выявление взаимосвязи между динамикой численности населения и особенностями расселения этнонациональных групп.
The state of geo-demographic situation in the Ukrainian Danube, which is formed during this period, is examined. Unfortunately, in recent time within the Danube Region geo-demographic indicators have worsened (decreased natality, quickly began to grow on mortality rates), as a result is a population loss due to natural causes. Although the overall performance of geo-demographic process here is much better than in other administrative areas of the Odessa region, yet in the Ukrainian Danube for the last years, they are characterized by negative values and the population here is also reduced mainly due to natural causes. The change of structure of the population in the context of the resettlement areas ethno-national groups. It features ethno-geographic systems determine the features of geo-demographic situations.
The state of geo-demographic situation in the Ukrainian Danube, which is formed during this period, is examined. Unfortunately, in recent time within the Danube Region geo-demographic indicators have worsened (decreased natality, quickly began to grow on mortality rates), as a result is a population loss due to natural causes. Although the overall performance of geo-demographic process here is much better than in other administrative areas of the Odessa region, yet in the Ukrainian Danube for the last years, they are characterized by negative values and the population here is also reduced mainly due to natural causes. The change of structure of the population in the context of the resettlement areas ethno-national groups. It features ethno-geographic systems determine the features of geo-demographic situations.
Jornal of Danubian studies and Research /Editura Universitara Danubius.-Volume 5 .- № 2, 2015
Ключові слова
geo-demographic situation, ethno-national groups, depopulation, ethno-geographic system, Ukrainian Danube
Бібліографічний опис
Jornal of Danubian studies and Research, Volume 5, № 2, 2015