Global climate change and the Black Sea level during the Holocene
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Many geological and geophysical processes take place in the form of oscillations with a variety of distinctive periods. High-frequency variations of most conditional parameters of the Earth climatosphere and tectonosphere occur in resonance with one another, the Earth rotation parameters, as well as solar activity and certain elite configurations of the planets in the Solar system (Shmuratko, 2001, 2005 et al.). Not only 1-to-1 resonance occurrences are observed (i. е., synchronous changes) but also other types of a more complex nature (2-to- 1, 2-to-3, 1-to-2,and 2-to-5).
Theoretical positions of the gravity-resonance exotectonogenesis concept (Shmuratko, 2001) provide the foundation for the theory that resonance occurrences may also happen in the case of slower processes, the ones with distinctive periods of a few hundred to a few thousand years. The purpose of this paper is to uncover, by using the resonance effect, the pattern of change in sedimentation rates in the deep-sea area of the Karkinit Bay (the Northwest Black Sea shelf) based on the climatic record of the ice core sample of the GISP2 record (Greenland).
Збірка тез доповідей 2-ї конференції та польових екскурсій за Проектом IGCP-
521»Чорноморсько-Середземноморський Коридор упродовж останніх 30 тис.років: зміни рівня моря та адаптація людини» (2005-2006). Одеса,20-28 серпня,2006 р.-Одеса:Астрапринт,2006
Ключові слова
oscillations, gravity-resonance, exotectonogenesis concept
Бібліографічний опис
Black sea – mediterranean corridor during the last 30 ky: sea level change and human adaptation (2005–2009) : ІІ plenary meeting and field trip of project IGCP-521 (Odessa, 20–28 August 2006). – Odessa : Astroprint, 2006.