Теоретические основы исследования системной трансформации стран Центральной и Восточной Европы
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Посткоммунистические трансформации в странах Центральной и Восточной Европы рассматриваются в диссертации в парадигмальном поле, во-первых, системного взаимовлияния всех составляющих трансформации, во-вторых, факторов, которые оказали преобладающее влияние на процесс трансформации.
При написании работы были использованы, прежде всего, достижения американской школы неореализма. Такой выбор обусловлен тем, что неореалисты отличаются от других школ рассмотрением международной политики как целостной системы, которая функционирует по определенным законам.
While creating a general methodological design of a study related to the international dimension of transformation one should apply first and foremost the findings of American neorealist school. The main feature that distinguishes neorealists among all other schools is their inclination to regard international politics as a comprehensive whole system functioning in accordance with definite laws (K. Waltz, S. Huntington). Scientific discussions of the transitology school is an additional source for completing theoretical frames of studies of systemic transformation. These discussions are focused one way or another on the problem of democratization, its developmental stages, components and factors (V. Bunce, D. Guzina, J. Linz, A. Stepan, L. Diamond, R. Brubaker). Therefore it is only the construction of such “double theoretical frames” comprising the achievements both of the theory of international relations and the transitology that makes it possible to find an adequate solution to the present problem – studying systemic transformation of Central and Eastern European countries.
While creating a general methodological design of a study related to the international dimension of transformation one should apply first and foremost the findings of American neorealist school. The main feature that distinguishes neorealists among all other schools is their inclination to regard international politics as a comprehensive whole system functioning in accordance with definite laws (K. Waltz, S. Huntington). Scientific discussions of the transitology school is an additional source for completing theoretical frames of studies of systemic transformation. These discussions are focused one way or another on the problem of democratization, its developmental stages, components and factors (V. Bunce, D. Guzina, J. Linz, A. Stepan, L. Diamond, R. Brubaker). Therefore it is only the construction of such “double theoretical frames” comprising the achievements both of the theory of international relations and the transitology that makes it possible to find an adequate solution to the present problem – studying systemic transformation of Central and Eastern European countries.
Ключові слова
Центральная Европа, Восточная Европа, неореализм, внешняя политика, Central European, Eastern European, transformation, neorealists
Бібліографічний опис
E-gospodarka, e-spolechenstwo w Europie Srodkowej i Wschodniej