Електоральні технології: практики ефективного застосування

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Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
Стаття присвячена емпіричному аналізу дії класичних та новітніх електоральних технологій. У статті представлена характеристика структури класичних технологій залучення електорального ресурсу, визначена обмеженість традиційних методів політичної комунікації та еволюція сучасних методів отримання голосів на прикладі застосування нових технологій (заснованих на штучному інтелекті та аналізі Big data).
The article is devoted to the empirical analysis of the action and structure of the newest and classical electoral technologies. Characterizing the general trends in the political sphere, the main process of politics stands out, namely the coming to power. From this stands out the ambiguity and versatility of methods and ways of obtaining a position of power. Democratic rules in election regulations do not contradict the use of technologies to attract constituencies, which leads to the active use of methods of obtaining the location of voters and, accordingly, their votes. Based on the experience of conducting election processes and election campaigns, every time all possible resources and tools are mobilized to win the election. New technologies of influencing the commitment to one candidate or rejection of another, various "black" and "transparent" technologies of attracting the electorate, various methods of encouragement and call to action are also being developed. There are many practices, both effective and frequently used, and unnecessary and forgotten. The political orientation of the world is based on the use of time-tested political technologies and the introduction, respectively, of new methods for competition in the electoral market. Each country is working to assess the application of electoral technologies in terms of the susceptibility of individuals to both specific practices and technology in general. According to journalistic data and reports, it becomes clear the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of a particular method, reviewing the process by the observer. Also from here technological secrecy or openness of technologies, an estimation of democracy, manipulativeness, normativeness and morality will be shown. The Ukrainian political arena maintains the stability of the use of electoral technologies for the masses, while developing this area, conducting various socio-psychological studies of the impact on constituencies. In particular, due to the lack of political experience, Ukrainian politicians borrowed and adapted the technologies of Western colleagues in the reality of Ukraine, its demands and peculiarities of the electoral space, and accordingly adapted to the electoral behavior of citizens. Progress is undoubtedly present. It is also possible to observe sometimes an oversaturation of electoral technologies and practices in election campaigns, which even cause internal conflict, and in particular some technologies hinder others, which is present in inexperienced constructed election campaigns, which previously could not happen to such an extent. lack of methods and possibilities of application.
Ключові слова
електоральні технології, маніпуляція виборцями, ефективна виборча кампанія, класичні технології, новітні технології, electoral technologies, voter manipulation, effective election campaign, classical technologies, new technologies
Бібліографічний опис
Соціально-політичні студії : наук. альманах.