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Перегляд Статті та доповіді ФМФІТ за Ключові слова "Acoustic medium"
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Документ Modelling of virus vibration with 3-d dynamic elasticity theory(2017) Zhuravlova, Zinaida Yu.; Kozachkov, D.; Pliusnov, D.; Radzivil, V.; Reut, Viktor V.; Shpynarov, O.; Tarasova, Elvira; Nerukh, Dmitry; Vaisfeld, Natalia D.; Вайсфельд, Наталя Данилiвна; Вайсфельд, Наталья Даниловна; Журавльова, Зінаїда Юріївна; Журавлева, Зинаида Юрьевна; Реут, Віктор ВсеволодовичElastic properties of virus shells (capsids) are important as they protect the virus genome and play important role in virus internalization (the process of virus entering the cell). These properties can also be measured experimentally by direct deformation of the capsid with a microscope's tip. A 3-D mathematical model of a virus under an external non-stationary load is proposed in this paper. The apparatus of the boundary value problems of mathematical physics was used during modeling. The stated initial boundary value problem of elasticity was solved with the help of the integral transformation method and the method of discontinuous solutions. As a result, the analytical solution of the problem was obtained in Laplace transformation domain. The numerical calculations of the virus elastic characteristics were illustrated for the case of a steady-state oscillation.